Question: When did Billy stop wearing glasses?
10th Apr 2023
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (1993)
22nd Aug 2017
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (1993)
The Trouble with Shellshock - S1-E22
Character mistake: About halfway through the episode, we see Billy, Zack and Kimberly are frozen because of Shell-shock. Towards the end when Jason and Tommy are in the Zords fighting Shell-shock, the Yellow Ranger comes running with the flowers that unfreeze the Rangers and Zords. The Yellow Ranger yells "Jason, Billy, I have the Diandra flower!" She should have yelled Tommy's name instead of Billy since we know Billy is frozen and that Tommy is the one helping Jason fight Shell-shock.
Suggested correction: She doesn't know that. She was sent running after they were frozen.
3rd Dec 2005
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (1993)
Green With Evil (2): Jason's Battle - S1-E18
Plot hole: How were the Rangers (minus Jason) able to form the Megazord if Jason wasn't there to summon the Tyrannosaurus (not to mention Jason's morpher being in Goldar's possession)?
Suggested correction: It's been shown on various occasions that the zords can be operated remotely.
Yes but to call upon the zords you need to have the power coin. The Rangers don't have the coin, therefore the Tyrannosaurus shouldn't be there.
Zordon created the zord. I'm pretty sure he can summon and operate it without a power coin.
Zordon was disabled by brainwashed Tommy, so he couldn't have summoned it at this point.
No, the command centre is able to remotely control the zords.
11th Apr 2020
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (1993)

Other mistake: After the teens leave the command center, Rita sees this and orders the creation of her Putties. Her henchman slaps down a few things of clay into a mold loosely, that then show the perfect figurines of the putties coming out of them. However with the shape of the mold, there is no way that the clay would come out in shapes like that or with that detail. (00:11:35)
Suggested correction: Given that these are literal monsters and a witch living on the moon after being imprisoned for 10,000 years, I don't think we can say for certain what their machinery will do.
This is speculating too much. Practically making the same argument that it's OK because magic. The general physics of what is being displayed on the screen doesn't match up with how the clay fits into the mold even in the slightest.
What Quantom is saying is that they are using a press die to create the mold for the putties and no matter how you look at it, the volume of clay going into the mold is not enough to create the detail seen on the putties.
5th Dec 2017
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (1993)
Plot hole: The Power Rangers very often talk to the citizens of Angel Grove. However, their voices aren't disguised in any way, so why don't people recognise their voices?
Suggested correction: The entirety of Angel Grove doesn't know them personally. Also that is the power of voice over. You would never sound that clear while wearing a tight helmet that covers your mouth.
So what about when they talk to recurring characters such as the guy who works the bar at the youth centre (can't think of his name off the top of my head).
Haha. It is a bit like standard suspension of disbelief and a common mistake to most superhero TV/movies/comic books even, but I very much agree that there is no real way to make a rational and logical explanation for it. They do meet recurring characters a lot, plus, I mean...they all hang out together, some of them wearing also clothing patterned with a dominance of their trademark ranger colors and that makes the fact that they are a group even more conspicuous.
11th May 2016
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (1993)
Corrected entry: Throughout season 1 - 3 the rangers call upon the zords. We then see them all get into their zords. However, when they go for the megazord, we see the saber tooth tiger, Triceratops, Mastodon and T-Rex all combine and form "tank mode." We then see inside the cockpit of the megazord at this stage and all 5 rangers are present. They then switch to battle mode whereby the megazord stands up and the Pterodactyl comes in and joins together creating the shield on the megazord's chest. However, up until the pterodactyl joins the others, Kimberly shouldn't be in the main cockpit as we've seen her in her zord.
Correction: The Pterodactyl zord sits on the shoulder section of the T-Rex, while in tank mode.
Correction: It's possible, and quite likely, that her Zord has some sort of autopilot. At the very least, that maneuver (which is identical every time) could easily be computerized.
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Answer: Season 3, when they received the Ninja powers, the glasses didn't work with the ninja hood and mask.