
Corrected entry: When the mice want Arthur's brain and their brain-cutting-machine comes out of the table, an apple remains on the machine, facing with the top towards the camera. After the cut when the mice sit on it, the top faces upwards.


Correction: The apple probably rotates as the arms move slowly out. The un-symetrical shape of the apple would cause it to move with any motion anyway.

Corrected entry: When the spaceship is chased by the two nuclear missiles, Arthur wants to engage the "improbability drive". You can see the "normality counter" is at 21 which doesn't change at all in the next few shots (you can always see the 1 of the 21).


Correction: As Trillian states at this moment, the "Heart of Gold" hasn't reached "normality", what makes it dangerous to engage the improbability drive again. Obviously, the improbability drive takes quite a while to reach complete normality (which would be represented by a 1:1 readout on the counter). It seems, that the last bits of improbability take some time to wear off - that's why the passengers aboard the "Heart of Gold" appear as sofas or wool puppets right after the improbability jump.

Corrected entry: When Arthur's cellphone is floating in Space you can hear something which sounds like "The person you have called is temporarily not available". This message is generated from the provider/network, not from the phone itself. Without earth there is no network so there would be no message at all.


Correction: It is in fact possible, that Vodafone is a galactic (telephone) company, with a branch on Earth. Though Earth hadn't made interstellar contact yet, there were in fact multigalactic companies doing business on the Planet. For example, in the radio play, it's told that the Dolmansaxlil Shoe Corporation sells shoes in Oxford Street.

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