
18th Feb 2004

Blade II (2002)

Corrected entry: When the vampires and Blade are standing outside the club full of vampires, the lightning strikes and you can see scaffolding behind them up high.

Correction: There is no indication that this scaffolding has anything to do with the production of the movie. There is no shot in that scene that would require scaffolding in that particular position and since there is always construction going on in big cities scaffolding isn't exactly a rare sight.


15th Nov 2002

Blade II (2002)

Corrected entry: After Blade emerges from the blood fountain, he fights a lot of henchmen in hand-to-hand combat before taking on Reinhardt with his sword. When Whistler shoots the incubator after Blade kills Reinhardt, where are the bodies of the ones Blade fought hand-to-hand? None of them were vampires, so they wouldn't have disappeared. (01:37:42)

Correction: They are simply not visible in that shot. When Whistler shoots the incubators only the top platform, where the incubator sits, are shown. Blade fought the henchmen in the lower area next to this platform.


29th Aug 2003

Blade II (2002)

Corrected entry: In the scene where Blade meets the bloodpack for the first time, and is telling Nyssa they should go to safehouses, you see in the background that Priest(the long haired one) is wearing dark shades. The camera cuts off him, but when it goes back to him, you can see that he is now suddenly wearing clear glasses. (00:33:00)

Correction: He isn't suddenly wearing clear glasses; he's wearing no glasses at all. He could easily have removed them in the time he's off camera.


Corrected entry: In the game series, the STARS team originally discovered Umbrella was behind the virus outbreak, and so Nemesis was sent to kill them. However, in context to the films, STARS have not done anything wrong, and so there is absolute no reason why Nemesis is murdering them.

Correction: Killing the highly trained S.T.A.R.S. members was an excellent way of testing the effectiveness of Nemesis and since they were inside the quarantine area that Umbrella was going to nuke anyway, they were an obvious choice no matter what they might have known.


13th Jun 2005

National Treasure (2004)

Corrected entry: In the scene where Ben Gates brings the Declaration to his dad's house, his dad says that previous generations have been chasing the treasure, and that one clue always led to another clue. He even theorized that the whole thing was a series of clues to keep the British occupied. The first clue given that started the quest was "The secret lies with Charlotte". That is the one that Ben solved. What are all these "clues" that everyone else has been chasing?

Correction: Ben Gates has followed one set of clues to the treasure, but the other clues that both his father and grandfather mention could be false so only a few knew what clue actually led to the treasure.


Corrected entry: Several P-40 related mistakes here: 1 - The P-40 Warhawk did not have the range to fly from the continental United States to Asia without stopping. While this is a common plot device, it defies belief; 2 - I cannot find any references to a two-seat P-40, although it can be argued that the plane was quite heavily modified, considering its other "features." Additionally, travelling great distances in such a two-place cockpit would be very uncomfortable. 3 - There is a scene where one of the P-40's wings catches fire due to a fuel tank hit. This is possible, but unlikely, as self-sealing fuel tanks were introduced in the P-40B. Given the nature of the film and the fantastic nature of the story, these are not huge mistakes, but since the technology is loosely based on our own history, I found them to be rather irritating.

Correction: You more or less explain yourself why these are not mistakes. 1) You cannot make any assumptions about the plane's range since it is heavily modified and based in a different universe. If they're able to make flying carrier ships they should be able to extend the range of Sky Captain's plane. 2) The plane is modified, and being uncomfortable is not a mistake. 3) Dex is a genius, he made the plane work under water so a self-sealing tank should be a small matter for him.


Corrected entry: As Will comes on board the Black Pearl after his own ship blows up, not a drop of water falls off his clothes. Yet he has just been swimming in the ocean, so why isn't he dripping wet?

Correction: Will is dripping wet throughout the whole scene. This is most noticeable by the fact that the sleeves of his white shirt are completely see-through and his hair is without a doubt soaked as well. And water actually does drip of his shirt several times during the scene.


Corrected entry: When Luke is sucked into the pipe, there are four big red pentagons around it in the wideshot. In the close-up, there are four smaller ones and eight triangles. (01:47:45)

Correction: The pentagons and triangles are so close together that in the wide shot they blend, forming the large pentagons.


Corrected entry: Near the end when Admiral Piett tells Vader the hyper drive on the Falcon is deactivated, look at Piett's chest insignia. At one point it is about 10 black medals, the shot changes from the side to show him from the front, and he has six blue medals. It goes back to show him at the side again and the black medals are back.

Correction: No, admiral Piett has 6 red squares above 6 blue at all times. In the side shot the blue squares just look black because of the lighting and angle but as he turns we see that they are in fact blue. On an interesting side note the insignia has been moved to the left side of his chest in the DVD version so here it isn't possible to see the insignia at all in the side shot.


Corrected entry: When Luke is hanging from the antennae-like assembly underneath Cloud City, one shot shows him holding on with his right hand, the hand that was supposed to have been cut off.

Correction: No he doesn't, neither in the original or DVD version. In some shots it could look like it but with careful viewing it is clear that he only uses his left hand.


11th Nov 2004

Star Wars (1977)

Corrected entry: In the scene of Mos Eisley, where we see a Jawa fall of the creature, look at the right corner of the screen and you will be able to see a silver car standing there. It's a Volkswagen.

Correction: There is no silver car in that shot or anything even resembling one. Besides the whole scene was a new one added to the special edition so most of it is cgi and none of it was done on location. So there isn't even a remote chance that a car could sneak into the shot.


3rd Mar 2004

Star Wars (1977)

Corrected entry: In the control room in the Death Star, there's a rack with 4 guns but later, there are only 3.

Dr Wilson

Correction: There are 3 because Han takes one of them. When he first enters the control room he is carrying a standard imperial blaster rifle but when Han and Luke is taking Chewie down to the detention block Han is carrying a much larger weapon that looks like the ones on the rack.


29th Nov 2003

Star Wars (1977)

Corrected entry: In Mos Eisley's streets, when a group of stormtroopers passes in front of the door where C3P0 and R2D2 are hidden, a flying droid passes through the shoulder of one of them.

Dr Wilson

Correction: Although it hovers right next to the stormtrooper's shoulder it never passes through it.


6th Jan 2005

Catwoman (2004)

Corrected entry: In the scene where Patience visits the jewelry store to discover that it is being burglarized she sneaks up on the burglars from the second floor. She uses a temporary mask. When the fight is over she returns it in one of the broken displays. The displays are on the ground floor. She cannot possibly get the mask without breaking the shelf where it came from and not being spotted by one of the burglars.

Correction: The showcase with the mask is in fact on the second floor. She exits the same way she got in and puts it back on her way out. Before entering the store Catwoman sees one of the thieves on the second floor so it is very possible that he and not Catwoman smashed the showcase.


4th Jan 2005

Shrek (2001)

Corrected entry: It's just impossible for chandelier to slip onto dragoness' neck - her side triple "horns" (or whatever they are) would just stop it.

Correction: Actually if you view the scene frame by frame you can see that the horns (or the point they're attached to) are flexible, so the chandelier pushes them inwards on impact. You can see it in the shot of Dragon's neck at the top of the picture. (Widescreen version).


Actually there's no way the chandelier could have gone over her snout and maintained the momentum it did while falling.

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