Cubs Fan

12th Apr 2021

Air Force One (1997)

Corrected entry: In his first conversation with VP Bennett, Ivan says that he now controls Air Force One. But since "Air Force One" is a call sign and not a specific plane, it only applies when the president is on board, which, at this point, isn't technically the case, because he and his men (and by extension, we the audience) all assume that Marshall fled in the plane's escape pod.

Cubs Fan

Correction: It may technically not be an accurate term given the situation, but they are not professional US military and it would be reasonable that the plane the president flies on would still be referred to as Air Force One even if the president was (believed) no longer on board instead of switching to calling it SAM 28000 or 29000 (depending on which was in use). It would be like seeing the plane on the tarmac at Andrews and saying "that's Air Force One" even though the president isn't on board.


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