Cubs Fan

15th Oct 2019

Supergirl (2015)

Event Horizon - S5-E1

Stupidity: Kara's glasses are a logistically impractical place for Brainy to put the motion sensor that materializes and de-materializes her new super suit, since she only wears them as part of her civilian disguise. As a 12th-level intellect, surely Brainy could invent a more pragmatic means of allowing her to change from superhero to civilian.

Cubs Fan

1st Dec 2016

Supergirl (2015)

Medusa - S2-E8

Stupidity: At the beginning, James and Winn argue in whispers about who gets to tell Kara that James is the Guardian, a secret they've been keeping from her, both of them apparently forgetting that she has superhuman hearing.

Cubs Fan

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