
Corrected entry: In the spacewalk scene, where Worf's suit is damaged during the fight with the Borg drone to release the deflector dish, he stops the suit from leaking by using part of the Borg drone as a tourniquet on his upper leg. Although this might be sufficient for keeping the rest of his body from being exposed to decompression in space, his lower leg is still exposed to deep space vacuum, resulting in the blood boiling instanly. This would cause him to at the very least lose the functionality of this body part, yet there is no sign of this in the rest of the scene.

Correction: He doesn't use the Borg part as a tourniquet. He plugs/patches the hole and uses the Borg part to hold the plug/patch in place.


Nope. Just rewatched it. There is a visible tourniquet but there is no sign of any other plug or patch, there is no dialogue of him hinting this is how he did it and there is no footage of him applying it. Pure speculation.

Corrected entry: In one of the final sequences, when Picard initiates the self destruct sequence, Worf uses his authorization code to ratify the self destruct command. How could Worf be a commanding officer of the ship, with authority to destroy the ship? At the time of the movie, he was in command of the Defiant, and not a crew member of the Enterprise, let alone a commanding officer. (01:23:40)


Correction: You don't have to be a commanding officer of the ship or even one of the ship's crew. As long as the ship's computer recognizes the person's authority, the computer will follow instructions. Remeber that in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, NO ONE is officially a crew member of the Enterprise as it is scheduled to be decommissioned. However, after stealing the ship, Kirk, Scotty and Chekov are able to activate the self-destruct because the computer recognizes their authority.


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