
Corrected entry: Why does Picard give up on destroying the ship when the auto-destruct fails? All they would need to do is drop the magnetic containment seals on the anti-matter pods manually. Then boom, instant warp core breach. Or take a phaser to the warp core. There's gotta be at least 20 ways to blow up the ship without the auto-destruct sequence. The auto-destruct is meant to be able to detonate the warp core without human intervention, giving the crew time to escape. The Captain could have sent the crew to the escape pods and blown the ship up manually.


Correction: This entry simply lists what "could" or "should" have been done, which are not valid mistakes.

Corrected entry: Having the entire senior bridge crew of the Federation flagship beam over into an unknown situation on a Romulan warship seems like an unfathomably stupid thing to do. It's supposed to be Starfleet regulation that a Starfleet captain not beam into an unknown and possibly hostile situation without an armed escort. Captain's aren't even supposed to go on away missions. Even though this was a diplomatic mission, the obvious thing would have been for Commander Riker to remain on board the Enterprise in command in case something happened to the away team. What if the away team was taken captive or killed? The only senior officer left on board was Lt. Commander LaForge.


Correction: This is one of the most important missions that Picard has ever been on. He wants his trusted staff members with him, he does not need to follow regulations to the letter. Besides, the Romulans made the peace overture, it would be very counterproductive for them to attempt something malicious.

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