
20th Sep 2010

Major League II (1994)

Corrected entry: All ownership changes in Major League Baseball would have to be approved by the other owners in the league. To gain the approval of the other owners, Dorn would have to show a financial ability to keep the team solvent, which he cannot do. Even if he gets past this hurdle and gets the other owners to approve him, there is almost no chance the owners would approve Rachel Phelps' move to buy back the team, especially after her attempts to lose in the first film.


Correction: If the choice is between someone they dislike owning the team and the team devolving into bankruptcy or foreclosure, they could easily approve to avoid the bad press and complications. Also, it is not a legitimate mistake to argue what someone would or would not have done.


If the league doesn't like any of the prospective owners, they can assume league ownership of the team until an acceptable buyer comes along.


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