Corrected entry: When the bridesmaids are preparing themselves to go to the wedding, they're seen painting their toenails, but when they put their stockings on, their toenails look unpainted. Then, when they put on their shoes (without taking their stockings off), their nails are painted.

Correction: In the first scene on the wedding morning, the bridesmaids are shown painting their fingernails - they're all sitting round the kitchen table waving their hands to dry them. We later see some people pulling on stockings, with unpainted toenails but with painted fingernails, then discarding the stockings and painting their toenails to wear with open-toed shoes. No problem there that I can see.


Corrected entry: In the scene where Boromir is holding the hilt of the sword Narsil in Rivendale when he moves his hand up to the tip and cuts his finger there is a close up on his fingers and the one next to the one with the drop of blood has a small line of blood on it as well, it probably came from an earlier take. (01:23:22)

Correction: He cut both fingers.


21st May 2005

Kingdom of Heaven (2005)

Corrected entry: When Godfrey tells Balian how to get to Jerusalem he tells him to 'go to where the people speak Italian and keep going'. Italy and the Italian language did not exist at this time, instead people spoke various regional dialects which were formed into Italian circa the 14th Century.

Correction: So what was he supposed to say? 'Go to where people speak various regional dialects and keep going'? And he's speaking modern English - do you have a problem with that too? The script has been modernised, and this is one element of that.


20th Jun 2005

Kingdom of Heaven (2005)

Corrected entry: Far from letting the inhabitants of Jerusalem go free, Saladin actually ransomed those who could pay and enslaved the rest.

Correction: As stated in the disclaimer at the end of the film, although the story was based on real events and real people, some characters and events have been altered, added or left out for dramatic purposes. As the film-makers are specifically claiming not to be making a 100% accurate historical document, this is not a mistake.


20th Jun 2005

Kingdom of Heaven (2005)

Corrected entry: Guy de Lusignan was not paraded around by Saladin on a donkey. He was treated with honour and later released.

Correction: As stated in the disclaimer at the end of the film, although the story was based on real events and real people, some characters and events have been altered, added or left out for dramatic purposes. As the film-makers are specifically claiming not to be making a 100% accurate historical document, this is not a mistake.


20th Jun 2005

Kingdom of Heaven (2005)

Corrected entry: Balian was present at the Battle of Hattin, where Saladin defeated Guy, but managed to cut his way out of the encirclement and return to Jerusalem.

Correction: As stated in the disclaimer at the end of the film, although the story was based on real events and real people, some characters and events have been altered, added or left out for dramatic purposes. As the film-makers are specifically claiming not to be making a 100% accurate historical document, this is not a mistake.


20th Jun 2005

Kingdom of Heaven (2005)

Corrected entry: Count Raymond of Tripoli was the actual Lord of Tiberias. He did not refuse to accompany Guy and was present at the Battle of Hattin, but managed to cut his way out and escape.

Correction: As stated in the disclaimer at the end of the film, although the story was based on real events and real people, some characters and events have been altered, added or left out for dramatic purposes. As the film-makers are specifically claiming not to be making a 100% accurate historical document, this is not a mistake.


21st Jun 2005

Kingdom of Heaven (2005)

Corrected entry: Balian's father's name was actually Barisan, not Godfrey as is stated in the movie.

Correction: As stated in the disclaimer at the end of the film, although the story was based on real events and real people, some characters and events have been altered, added or left out for dramatic purposes. As the film-makers are specifically claiming not to be making a 100% accurate historical document, this is not a mistake.


Corrected entry: In the scene where John and Jane are in her car, when both are trying to kill each other, Jane bails out and leaves him in the backseat. The car then runs over some trees and goes in the air, obviously getting wrecked. Then in another, later, scene, when both John and Jane are racing to get home first after their dinner at the restaurant, John is driving a limo he stole from some guy, but Jane is driving her car like nothing ever happened to it.

Correction: It's a completely different car - the same colour, but different shape, make and so on.


10th Dec 2004

The Incredibles (2004)

Corrected entry: Interesting sideline, Edna Mode, the "costume designer for the supers" is patterned after Edith Head, the costume designer of the stars for hundreds of movies. She died a couple of decades ago, but this is a homage, right down to the hair style; height; and round hornrimmed glasses,to a very well known designer, who even used some of the lines given to Edna in the movie.

Correction: This is not so, according to Brad Bird: 'Well, we certainly looked at Edith Head. But there are actually a lot of female fashion designers, if you research it, that have giant glasses. But also, Patricia Highsmith was an influence... and Linda Hunt. When you're designing a character, you're just saying - who is that? We have drawings and you can see them in 'the art of...' book where she's taller and fatter and older and younger and thin. We tried a lot of stuff and we kept saying no, no, more like this, but I like the nose on this one, and maybe the pageboy cut, maybe glasses should be bigger. Okay, make 'em bigger. . . and you end up with something that reminds you of Edith Head and you of Linda Hunt.'


19th Apr 2004

Donnie Darko (2001)

Corrected entry: In the scene where the teacher talks to Donnie about time travel theories, he hands Donnie a book, which Donnie takes with his right hand. However, throughout this scene both of Donnie's hands are holding a coloured slinky around his neck. (00:46:10)

Paul Andrews

Correction: Donnie plays with the slinky throughout this scene, taking it off at least once and then putting it back on. He could easily have let go of the slinky, in order to take the book.


6th Aug 2004

Top Secret! (1984)

Corrected entry: During the scene in the cafe when Nick convinces everyone he is not Mel Torme, everyone is dancing along with him. It's obvious during one of the shots the men dancing on tables are swinging 'dummies' instead of real women. (01:07:20)


Correction: This is a deliberate part of the film, to make it look ridiculous.


22nd Jul 2004

I, Robot (2004)

Corrected entry: When Spooner is interrogating Sonny in the police precinct, Sonny slams his fists onto the table & leaves very big indents, they even make a point to show this. For the rest of the scene the indents are not there.

Bradley Lundberg

Correction: The indents are there, but because the table is shiny metal and the lights are overhead there is little to no shadow cast by them, and they are difficult to see.


Corrected entry: The Bride discovers she's pregnant and disappears during a hit. Bill, thinking Beatrix is dead, mourns for 4 months, then discovers Beatrix in Two Pines, TX, getting married and WAY larger than a pregnant woman in the fourth month could ever be, unless she was carrying octuplets.

Correction: The Bride was probably about three months pregnant when she did the test. That would make her seven months gone when Bill caught up with her at Two Pines - she looks about right.


Corrected entry: When Charlotte calls home she says that she even tried Ikebana, but only later we see her popping into an Ikebana class and trying it herself obviously for the first time. (00:13:15 - 00:28:40)


Correction: I always saw this as further proof of her displacement and lack of direction - she had nothing to do and nowhere to go, so wandered into the Ikebana room she had been in a day or so before. Certainly there is nothing to indicate this is not the case.


Corrected entry: In the Two Towers, as the Ents are about to attack Isengard, they have to walk from Fangorn Forest to Isengard. However, in Return of the King, the two are right next to each other. It's not that the Ents have taken root again, because you can see them walking around in the background. It was probably done deliberately, so that Merry and Pippin could see them walking out of the forest, but still a mistake.

Correction: A scene restored to the extended edition of TTT shows the Huorns, which are moving trees but not Ents, arrive at Helm's Deep and stomp the orcs to death, when they flee into the newly formed forest. This scene from the book was deleted from the theatrical edition of TTT for reasons of length, but explains why the forest is closer to Isengard in ROTK.


Corrected entry: The little girl at the end is reading a book called "Millions of Cats," a book that I own two copies of - one printed in 1928, one in 1996. The film takes place around the 1950s, so it is not incorrect for her to be reading that book, but, she is reading the version printed in 1996, not the one she should be reading, printed in 1928.

Correction: By the end of the film, the action is taking place in the present day, so using the newer version of the book is not out of place.


21st Jun 2004

Muriel's Wedding (1994)

Corrected entry: The film was shot in 1993, but you can see a taxicab with an advert for the 2000 Olympics in Sydney.


Correction: There were ads for the Olympics years in advance, right from the bid (which was in 1993, from memory). So this is nothing really out of the ordinary.


11th Jul 2004

Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Corrected entry: The first time Aunt May and Peter see each other after May nearly dies at the expense of Doc Ock, she does not even mention anything about her near-death experience to him. Because as far as she knows, Peter is not Spiderman. Don't you think if you fell from a very tall building to your near death twice you would tell your closest relative?

Josh Appelbaum

Correction: I took this to be one of the 'clues' that Aunt May actually knows who Spider-Man is... perhaps even worked it out for sure during her rescue. Her speech to him later, when she is packing up her belongings, would further indicate this. If nothing else, he was at the bank as Peter, so she'd expect he saw what happened.


Corrected entry: Laura cuts her left leg when the tidal wave hits New York. When the others find out about the wound late in the film the cut is on her right leg.

Correction: Laura cuts her right leg - the shot underwater when we see it happen shows her from the back.


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