
Continuity mistake: When Debbie is in the shower, as the camera pans towards the shower, you can see the towel hanging up and her bathrobe hanging over the towel. However when Debbie pulls the shower curtain back, the towel is now hanging over the bathrobe. (01:00:35)


Continuity mistake: When Shelly and Vera get into the car after their run-in with the biker gang, you can see the area around where the windshield wipers are attached to the bonnet is all perfectly painted. However after Shelly reverses into the motorbikes, it cuts to Shelly and now there are large areas of rust around the wipers. (00:31:30)


Friday the 13th Part 3: 3D mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Chris spots the axe in the stable at the end of the film, it goes from laying on the hay, to on a metal object between shots. (01:22:55)


Friday the 13th Part 3: 3D mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Jason is chasing Chris, Chris runs into a bedroom and onto a bed, and then grabs a chair to smash a window, and the chair flies out the window. However, when Chris falls out the window we see the chair again, however the chair is a totally different chair, as the spindles on the legs of the chair have totally changed, and the back to the chair is different. (01:14:35)


Friday the 13th Part 3: 3D mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After getting out of the shower, Debbie still has her silver necklace on. She leaves the bathroom and the necklace has disappeared. (01:01:15)


Continuity mistake: When Chris comes out from the green door waving a knife at Jason, the green door closes all the way behind her. It cuts to Jason and then back to to Chris, and behind her in the background the green door is now wide open. (01:14:10)


Continuity mistake: When Vera is sitting by the dock, Shelly grabs her foot from underwater. In one shot, her shoe clearly comes off, then moments later is back on perfectly. (00:53:40)


Friday the 13th Part 3: 3D mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Ali is looking for Loco and Fox, Loco then rolls off the rafters onto Ali. In this shot you can see no blade leaning against the stable. Then when Jason jumps down, Ali grabs a blade that has appeared. (00:41:15)


Continuity mistake: When Harold is stabbed with the butchers knife, blood runs all down his shirt. Then when it cuts to a closer view, blood is just around the knife. (00:14:40)


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