Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2

Plot hole: One of Snape's memories show Lily telling baby Harry to be safe, be strong. That had to have occurred before Voldemort killed Lily. Snape was not in the house until after Lily was killed and Voldemort was gone. Only Lily and Harry should have had that memory, but not Snape.

Continuity mistake: When Voldemort kills Lily, she is wearing a sweater with high neck, long sleeves and it's red. When Snape comes in the room and sees Lily dead on the floor, she is wearing a blue blouse.


Plot hole: Immediately after the confrontation between Harry/McGonagall and Snape in the Great Hall, Harry runs up to Ravenclaw tower against crowds of students running the opposite direction. However, all the students would have been in the Great Hall during that confrontation, and therefore would have been coming from the same direction as Harry.

More mistakes in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2

Trivia: In the scene where Hagrid has dropped a "dead" Harry Potter, look quickly at George. He turns his head to the right and yells "Fred!" Fred has already been killed by Bellatrix Lestrange so it seems he may have forgotten this in a moment of grief.

Tricia Webster

Trivia: Jamie Waylett, who played Crabbe in previous movies, was unable to reprise his role due to being arrested for growing cannabis. Because of this, the filmmakers decided to kill off Goyle instead of Crabbe.

Harry Potter: You'll stay with me?
Lily Potter: Always.
Sirius Black: Until the end.

Harry Potter: We have to go there, now.
Hermione Granger: What? We can't do that! We've got to plan! We've got to figure it out...
Harry Potter: Hermione! When have any of our plans ever actually worked? We plan, we get there, all hell breaks loose!

More quotes from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2

Question: After Voldemort's death, is anyone able to teach Defense Against Dark Arts for more than a year?

Answer: Yes. According to J.K. Rowling in interviews, the curse Voldemort had cast on the Defense Against the Dark Arts position preventing any teacher lasting more than one year, was finally broken upon his death, and from then on any instructor lasted beyond twelve months.


In the movies it is never mentioned that Voldemort cursed the DADA post or even applied for this position.

It is mentioned in the books.

Question: I don't really understand how Voldemort dies. The scene shows Harry and Voldemort fighting with the two spells - Expelliarmus and Avada Kedavra - and the spells collide. Then Harry disarms Voldemort and catches the wand, and then Voldemort just dies. Can anyone tell me why he dies?

Answer: It's a little complicated. Voldemort actually died by his own hand, though unintentionally. Voldemort believed he commanded the Elder Wand and cast the Avada Kedavra curse at Harry with it. However, Harry was actually the Elder Wand's master. Because wands are somewhat sentient, the Elder Wand recognized Harry as his master, so the killing curse rebounded off him, and went back to Voldemort, striking him dead. All of Voldemort's Horcruxes had been destroyed, so he was no longer protected by them. At the same time, Harry cast the Expelliarmus charm, causing the Elder Wand to be ejected from Voldemort's hand into his.


Question: When Hermione goes to Gringotts disguised as Bellatrix, the bank manager asks to see her wand. Hermione has Bellatrix's wands from the previous film. Why does she not simply show it?


Chosen answer: Hermione knows this is an unusual request and she and (and Harry) suspect the bank knows that Bellatrix's wand was captured by Harry Potter (at the end of Part 1). Showing the bank manager the real wand would prove that this is not Bellatrix. The bank and Voldemort's minions expected that Harry and the others might go to Gringotts searching for a Horcrux in the Lestrange's vault. They are setting a trap for Harry and his accomplices.


Incidentally, if I remember right, in the book Hermione actually does hand over Bellatrix's wand, not realizing the Gringotts goblins already know the wand is no longer in her possession, forcing Harry to cast a timely Imperius Curse to avoid the entire plan being exposed.

More questions & answers from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2

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