A Clockwork Orange

Continuity mistake: When Alex and his droogs come in on Billy Boy making ready to rape the young girl, the first shot shows the lacing of a shoe or sandal on the girl's left calf, but afterward it jumps to her right.

Continuity mistake: When Alex is seeing the prison governor about being released, the governor's glasses are on a pile of papers on his desk. From various camera angles they are on some files, back on the papers or halfway between.

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Suggested correction: The album shown in the picture is NOT, as is commonly believed, the soundtrack of 2001, but rather a compilation of movie theme music that includes the main theme of 2001. However, the ACTUAL soundtrack of 2001 is still visible in the scene, just a little earlier: When Alex finishes flipping through a magazine and tosses it down on a counter, one of the records in that shot is the 2001 soundtrack.

Trivia: According to actor Malcolm McDowell, director Stanley Kubrick was concerned that the Droog attack on F. Alexander and his wife would become just another dark, cruel and violent scene in a movie that was already full of dark, cruel and violent scenes. Kubrick wanted the Alexander home invasion to stand out as genuinely horrifying, but he was at a creative impasse. After Kubrick shut down production for several days to ponder the problem, he thought of Alex dancing during the attack. Malcolm McDowell suggested dancing (and singing) along to "Singin' in the Rain," as it was the only song to which he knew all the words.

Charles Austin Miller

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Chief Guard Barnes: Violence makes violence.

Dim: Hello, Lucy. Had a busy night? We've been working hard, too. Pardon me, Luce.

Alex: Initiative comes to thems that wait.

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Question: I don't understand why Alex waits until Mrs. Alexander has unchained the opened front door and fully opened it, before he and his droogs break in. I'm sure the four of them could easily have broken the chain off with a bit of force. Is it simply part of Alex's nature to be invited in, before he starts his attack?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: It's part of the "fun element" of the crime to get the victim to open the door themselves.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: I have a few questions: What was the ultimate fate of Mr. Alexander, the writer? The Minister of Interior mentioned something about incarceration? If so, why was he incarcerated? Was it because of what he did to Alex, or because he was a threat? Also, the Minister mentioned something about him writing subversive literature? What kind of literature? Finally, what exactly did Alex and his droogs do to confine Mr. Alexander to a wheelchair and how exactly did his wife die? Was it pneumonia or circumstances related to her rape?


Chosen answer: Since this is a futuristic police state, it's likely that Mr. Alexander was dealt with the way dissenters are often dealt with in such situations (Execution or lifelong imprisonment.). In the book, he wrote literature protesting the police state. (The phrase "A Clockwork Orange" comes from a pamphlet he wrote.) Alex and his droogs kicked and beat him while they raped his wife. A while later, the doctors told him she'd died of pneumonia, but he thinks the trauma made her give up the will to live.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: Why did Alex's droogs turn against him? Did they plan to turn against him all along or was it a spur of the moment thing when the police came?


Chosen answer: The droogs didn't like how Alex was leading them, so he attacked them. It's never explained whether the plan was to set him up all along, but given that Din was ready with the bottle to smash him over the head, it seems like an opportunity to be rid of him came up and they took it.

Captain Defenestrator

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