Trivia: In the scene where Alex approaches the two girls at the record stand you can see the original score for 2001: A Space Odyssey, also directed by Stanley Kubrick.
Suggested correction: The album shown in the picture is NOT, as is commonly believed, the soundtrack of 2001, but rather a compilation of movie theme music that includes the main theme of 2001. However, the ACTUAL soundtrack of 2001 is still visible in the scene, just a little earlier: When Alex finishes flipping through a magazine and tosses it down on a counter, one of the records in that shot is the 2001 soundtrack.
Trivia: According to actor Malcolm McDowell, director Stanley Kubrick was concerned that the Droog attack on F. Alexander and his wife would become just another dark, cruel and violent scene in a movie that was already full of dark, cruel and violent scenes. Kubrick wanted the Alexander home invasion to stand out as genuinely horrifying, but he was at a creative impasse. After Kubrick shut down production for several days to ponder the problem, he thought of Alex dancing during the attack. Malcolm McDowell suggested dancing (and singing) along to "Singin' in the Rain," as it was the only song to which he knew all the words.
Trivia: The book that F. Alexander is writing when the droogs burst in and attack his wife is "A Clockwork Orange."
Trivia: The movie is actually not the entire story of the book. The US release was published without the final chapter because Burgess' New York publisher thought it was a kill joy and believed US audiences wouldn't like it. Stanley Kubrick decided to write the movie based on the US version, thus leaving out the final chapter.
Suggested correction: This isn't entirely accurate. Kubrick didn't "decide" to use the American version; that was simply the one he'd read and based the screenplay on before he ever knew there was another version. He later said that he only became aware of the missing chapter late in the writing process and, since he was so far along, decided against using it.
Trivia: The opening scene for A Clockwork Orange is spoofed in the opening for "Conker's Bad Fur Day" (a game for the Nintendo 64). Both movie and video game have Purcell's "Music for the Funeral of Queen Mary" playing while the camera zooms out, showing both Alex and Conker drinking a glass of milk.
Trivia: During the filming of the Ludovico scene, Malcolm McDowell actually had one of his corneas scratched. He states that he didn't realize it until he was leaving the set that night and the anesthetic wore off. He also states that it felt like someone hammered a nail into his eye.
Trivia: Mr. Alexander's doorbell tone is the first four notes of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, transposed to a different key.
Trivia: When Alex and his 'droogs' are driving up to the 'Home Sweet Home' house, in the background you can see a figure running to a tree. It's very dark and hard to see, so it could admittedly be a horse or something; but it is there. [It is a horse, so not a mistake as such. Still worth looking for].
Trivia: During filming of the humiliation stage show, Malcolm McDowell suffered a broken rib when another actor kicked him in the chest.
Trivia: Director Stanley Kubrick received death threats because of this film. Although the film wasn't banned, it was difficult to obtain a copy in the United Kingdom for many years.