Other mistake: Spock lifts his crew mates with the rocket boots. He passes deck numbers 35 through 78 from bottom to top. First off, deck numbers go from top to bottom. The bridge is on deck 1. Second, the Enterprise of that class only had 23 decks.

Continuity mistake: When Spock, wearing rocket boots, is in the turboshaft carrying Kirk and McCoy on either arm, he fires the booster rockets, thus propelling the three of them up the turboshaft. If you watch carefully, the deck numbers in the background as they rise upwards go as follows: 35, 52, 64, back to 52, 77, 78, and then 78 again! Not content with one goof, Kirk and McCoy can quite clearly be seen with their feet dangling in mid air, not on Spock's boots. They aren't exactly clinging to him either, more like leaning against him. Surely Kirk and McCoy would be unable to hold onto him!
Revealing mistake: The graphic display showing the Enterprise lowering shields is actually just a repeat of the earlier display showing the vessel raising her shields...played backwards. The giveaway is the screen still reads "Activating Deflector Shields" even though Scotty is supposed to be dropping them.
Trivia: William Shatner's contract for Star Trek IV stipulated that he would only be in that movie if he could direct Star Trek V.
Trivia: If I am correct the Yoman who gives Kirk the status report he signs on the bridge is in reality William Shatner's daughter, Melanie Shatner, who had also appeared in TOS Episode Miri as one of the children.
Trivia: This probe which the Klingon ship destroyed is either the Pioneer 10 or 11. This is based on the plaque it carries. The Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft, launched a few years after the Pioneer spacecraft, had a child on their plaques along with the man and woman.
Bones: "You'll have a great time, Bones. You'll enjoy your shore leave. You, you'll be able to relax." You call this relaxing? I'm a nervous wreck! If I'm not careful, I'll end up talking to myself!
Uhura: Bad news gentlemen, shore leave has been cancelled.
Chekov: Rescued at last!
Uhura: Return to pre arranged coordinates for pick up.
Sulu: Coordinates?
Chekov: Don't tell them you're lost, you'll never live it down!
Uhura: Is there a problem, gentlemen?
Sulu: Uh, yes, uh... We've been, uh, we've been caught in a blizzard!
Chekov: [Blowing into the communicator.] And we can't see a thing! Request you direct us to the coordinates!
Uhura: My visual says sunny skies and 70°!
Chekov: Sulu look! The sun has come out! It's a miracle!
Uhura: Don't worry fellas! Your secret's safe with me. I'll send a shuttlecraft to pick you up.
Sulu: Uhura, I owe you one. Sulu out.
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