Trivia: In Mann Co No More #2 - Unhappy Returns, a comic about the game, the Spy was revealed to have false teeth. And here he hides tiny provisions and a knife inside, and his hair was shown to be a dark grey.

Quantom X

Trivia: Originally, the Short Circuit was designed more as a minigun like weapon that opened up from the Engineer's glove. However, Valve decided to they wanted a less powerful electric based weapon, so the current design is what it was changed to.

Quantom X

Trivia: The idea for a Spy class in the Team Fortress games actually came from a glitch in the original Quake game. This glitch would cause enemy players to appear to be allies and could trick the opposing team.

Quantom X

Trivia: The name of the Spy knife, Your Eternal Reward, is a reference to the 1992 Disney film, Aladdin, when Jafar tricks Aladdin with his disguise and tries to stab him with a knife he calls "Your Eternal Reward."

Quantom X

Trivia: Barik, a champion in the game Paladins, has a skin based on The Engineer, which also adds new voice responses performed by Grant Goodeve.

Quantom X

Trivia: The Engineer's name, Dell Conagher, is a tribute to the novel Conagher by Louis L'Amour, an author of whom Valve writers Erik Wolpaw and Jay Pinkerton are fans.

Quantom X

Trivia: In Poker Night at the Inventory, an image of the Engineer's disguise mask can be seen on the lower half of the Spy Jack of Diamonds cards in the "Poker Night" and the "Poker Night Alternative" decks, respectively.

Quantom X

Trivia: The Engineer's hardhat is wearable by the Support class of Monday Night Combat.

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Trivia: A large cutout of the Engineer makes an appearance in Worms Reloaded as part of a playable stage. Additionally, his hardhat and goggles are selectable hats for the player's worms.

Quantom X

Trivia: A photograph on the Engineer update page displays a young boy (presumably the Engineer) trying on his first pair of goggles, as the Engineer from Team Fortress Classic looks on proudly and pats him on the shoulder.

Quantom X


Trivia: The song the Engineer plays during Meet the Engineer is titled "More Gun." More Gun is based on "Someone Else's Song", which was originally written by Jeff Tweedy and performed by the American Country band Wilco. (00:00:05)

Quantom X

Trivia: The first BLU team Engineer resembled Nikola Tesla, armed with a bag of blueprints instead of a PDA.

Quantom X

Trivia: The Engineer's favorite equation is, in fact, part of the equation that governs character lighting in-game, known as Phong on the Valve Developer Community. Furthermore, the equation can be referenced in page five of Illustrative Rendering in TF2.

Quantom X

Trivia: The Engineer seldom removes his welding goggles. To date, the only instances in which the Engineer has his goggles off are in the Loose Canon and True Meaning comics.

Quantom X

Trivia: The ability of the Soldier to rocket jump was originally a glitch in the original Team Fortress games. Valve has embraced this bug now with the addition of weapons such as the Rocket Jumper. Additionally, the ability of rocket-wielders being able to use their rockets to jump higher originated from Quake.

Quantom X

Trivia: Soldier's alias, Jane Doe, is also used as a placeholder name when referring to a female person or corpse whose true identity is unknown or must be withheld.

Quantom X

Trivia: In Worms: Reloaded, the Soldier's helmet is one of the hats selectable for the player's worms.

Quantom X

Bug: Spy: Lag spikes can cause the Spy to automatically undisguise.

Quantom X

More mistakes in Team Fortress 2

Bombinomicon: Okay, twist ending guys. Here comes the big twist! I'm an angel, and we're in Heaven! This was a test all along! No, I'm pulling your leg, there is no Heaven. There is Hell in every direction.

Quantom X

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