X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Question: At the beginning, during the war montage sequence when you see Wolverine and Sabretooth fighting in the various wars, you see them fighting in the American civil war. I was just curious and this may seem like an incidental question, but is there any indication as to which side they're fighting on?


Chosen answer: Their uniforms are blue, which means they were fighting for the North.


Chosen answer: It's implied that Sabretooth killed him. When he and Wraith meet in the alley, while Wolverine is meeting Gambit, Wraith says "Your creepy black coat don't scare me. to which Sabretooth responds "Worked on Dukes."

Question: So the adamatium bullets erased Wolverine's memory, Cyclops wore a blindfold (for lack of a better term) the entire time he was at 3-Mile Island and thus never saw Wolverine, and Xavier obviously withheld information he knew all about in the first two X-Men films because he's Xavier, but what about Sabertooth/Victor? How is it he lost his memory between this movie and X-Men 1? And with all the punishment he took in this movie, how can anyone seriously believe he died in the first movie?

Answer: No one quite knows how Sabretooth "forgot" his connection to Wolverine between the films. There's another movie in the works, it may be explained there. It was never confirmed that he died in the first X-Men movie; he simply didn't appear in the second. Magneto may have relieved him of duty.

Question: A while ago, it was leaked that Australian actor Christian Clark would be in the movie, and speculated that he would play Mister Sinister. However, after seeing the movie 2 times, I didn't notice neither Christian nor Mister Sinister. After trying a thorough internet search I couldn't reach a conclusion. Could anyone please give a thorough answer as to what happened (i.e. the scenes were cut, the actor or character was dropped)?

Answer: Character was dropped.

Question: Why wouldn't the Adamantium procedure that Wolverine undertook, work on Sabretooth? To my knowledge they both have the ability to regenerate. So why not?


Chosen answer: Sabretooth's healing abilities are not as good as Wolverine's. As we can see in the movie, Wolverine himself almost died from not healing fast enough from the trauma of having metal grafted to his bones. Sabretooth would have taken even longer to heal, meaning that the process would have killed him.


Chosen answer: He never really wanted to kill him, he wants him on his side again. Wolverine is a great agent with many talents. He just wants him back on board. It's only when Wolverine makes it very clear that he's not coming back on board (voluntarily at least) and that Wolverine is planning to kill Stryker that Stryker starts trying to kill Wolverine.

Gary O'Reilly

Chosen answer: Yes, the character he plays is Chris Bradley (Bolt) who is able to create and manipulate electricity.

Question: Is is true that there is a third ending to Wolverine? I heard it was about Deadpool picking up Weapon X1's head.

Answer: There were rumours of as many as six different post-credit scenes at one point, but only two have been confirmed. It's possible that others were shot, but were ultimately never included to make things simpler - they may appear on a subsequent DVD release.


Question: Why does Sabertooth look so different in this movie than he does in X-men 1? Even in the comics and the cartoon that was on in the early 90's, he was always shown to be at least 7 feet tall and at least 400 lbs, and in the comics and 1st movie he was very animalistic looking; here he looks like a human with a bad manicure and small fangs. Does anyone know why this is?

Answer: It's quarter of a century earlier - his appearance could easily have changed in that time. It's been shown that mutant powers can evolve over time - Victor may simply have gradually changed to a more animalistic appearance as the years have passed. Longer hair and a bigger beard would cover most of the changes.


Question: When exactly is the movie set? I think it may be sometime in the 70s, but all of the technology has me confused. It all seems so advanced for the 70s.


Chosen answer: The finale of the film takes place around Three Mile Island and implies that the accident there is actually a result of the events of the film, dating it to March 28th 1979. That's an assumption, but fits with the chronology of the X-Men movie series given how young Professor X looks.


Question: One of the trivia entries states that after the credits there's a scene with Wolverine in it. Yet, one of the question's answers (and the clip I saw) states the scene is of Weapon XI. Are there different endings to this movie, or is the trivia wrong?

mechanical sponge

Chosen answer: There are two additional scenes after the credits, one with Wolverine and one with Deadpool. Which one you get to see depends on which theatre you are in at the time.


Question: [Minor spoiler] I'm curious, because I can't remember 100%. Ryan Reynolds as Wade is very similar to Deadpool in the comics. The bad guy in the final fight, however, is nothing like the comic Deadpool, and I'm fairly sure that while it's of course strongly implied that he's the product of experiments on Wade, it's never explicitly stated. Stryker makes a reference to a "dead pool", and Wolverine says something like "Wade, is that you?" (with no answer), but as far as I can remember there's no concrete connection between Ryan Reynolds' character at the start and that final bad guy beyond implication/our assumption. I'm largely curious because there was talk of a Deadpool spinoff with Ryan Reynolds, and with the changes to the character, plus the events at the end of the film, that might be difficult, so I'm wondering if they left a deliberate loophole so if they make a Deadpool film they can just say "no, that wasn't him - everyone just assumed it was. The real Deadpool was off somewhere else". Make sense?

Jon Sandys

Chosen answer: If you stayed past the credits one of the possible bonus scenes was Weapon XI's hand reaching out from the rubble of the nuclear complex to touch his severed head, whereupon the head comes to life and makes a brief hushing sound before the scene fades to black; breaking the fourth wall like the Deadpool comics. So he's not dead, and his mouth is unsealed - chances are if a Deadpool film is made they'll be able to use the excuse of his healing factor to make some changes. Although yes, it's not explicitly stated in the film that Weapon XI is Wade, just heavily implied and assumed by several characters.

Question: Have the filmmakers offered any explanation as to why they used CGI for Wolverine's claws in the bathroom scene? As has been pointed out numerous times, the CGI is very poor. Given that the previous three X-Men films used practical claws that looked just fine, this seemed like a very impractical thing to do, especially considering the extra time and money going with CGI would require.


Chosen answer: While it's not a definitive answer, the practical claws were still dangerous and several stunt people, and Hugh Jackman himself, have been injured during filming of the X-Men films. I don't know if they simply wanted to try to be safer or if there was a request made. Plus, the other films still used CGI claws for certain scenes, so perhaps they thought they could pull it off. It should be noted that Hugh Jackman went back to practical claws during filming of The Wolverine.


Chosen answer: Wolverine was in the middle of laying waste to Stryker's facility, releasing his mutant prisoners and battling Deadpool/Weapon XI. Wolverine is a big liability to Stryker at this point and he wants to eliminate him.


Question: What kind of car is it that Logan and his wife are driving in?

Answer: A 1965 Chevrolet El Camino.


Question: Did Patrick Stewart physically perform for this film as Charles Xavier, or was the scene with him either computer-generated or shot with a look-alike?

Answer: Yes, that was Patrick Stewart, digitally de-aged in post-production to look younger than he does in the later-set X-Men films.


Question: Why would Agent Zero shoot the drink, then the old people who took care of Wolverine? He could just shoot both of them as they are closer enough to kill with 2 shots.


Chosen answer: His first shot went through the woman and broke the glass.


Factual error: When Wolverine is being chased after the explosion of the barn, there's a Humvee chasing the motorcycle. The movie is supposed to take place in the late 70's - the Humvee started production in 1984 and started service in the late 80's.

More mistakes in X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Logan: You wanted the animal, Colonel. You got him.

More quotes from X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Trivia: In the end where Wolverine is freeing the mutant prisoners, one of the prisoners is tied up, seems to be trying to run out of the cage and has white hair. This is Quicksilver, Magneto's son.

More trivia for X-Men Origins: Wolverine

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