
Question: Bella, Edward and her friends were getting on the bus, and one of her friends went up to her and was going to ask her to prom. After she said that she wasn't going to be in town, she started walking to get to the bus, and she passed Edward and he started to smile. Why did he smile when she passed him?

Answer: Because Edward has superhuman hearing, he could overhear Bella declining Mike's invitation. Edward is attracted to Bella, and he is pleased that she is uninterested in the other guy and probably also a bit amused over how she awkwardly handled the situation.


Question: These two questions apply to the entire Twilight saga. 1. Why do Rosalie and Emmet repeatedly marry each other? One time is enough. 2. Since the Cullens have been around for a very long time, why do Emmet, Rosalie, Jasper, Alice and Edward keep going to different schools and applying for colleges? Considering their immortality they're really just learning the same stuff they've learned years before, plus there's always the possibility of running into a human who chose to move to Forks from their past who might begin to question why they haven't aged.

Answer: 1. They get married repeatedly for two reasons, one of which is the same reason they go through high school and college over and over again. The other reason is that they love each other very, very much, and are more than happy to speak their vows over and over. 2. They go through high school and college repeatedly because they look the age of people who'd be going to high school and then college; it's how they fit into society without raising any suspicion. They don't run into people from their pasts because they have several towns they cycle through, never moving back to the same place again until the people who lived there when the Cullen coven last called the place home have died of old age.


Question: Where is Esme in the garage scene where the Cullens are getting Bella out of tow? Edward speaks to Esme but she does not answer nor is she shown.

Answer: She's off screen and didn't answer.


Question: In what parts in the movie do each of the songs appear ?

Answer: I'm assuming you mean the soundtrack rather than the score, though I have that too. This is in order of appearance rather than track listing. 1) Full Moon by The Black Ghosts - this plays after the scene with the deer, showing Bella's journey from Phoenix and arrival in Forks. 2) Eyes on Fire by Blue Foundation - when Bella wants to confront Edward before school 3)Tremble for My Beloved by Collective Soul - starts playing when Edward has just saved Bella from the van. 4)I Caught Myself by Paramore - playing in the background while Bella watches Jess and Angela try on dresses 5)Never Think by Rob Pattinson - as Edward and Bella have dinner in the restaurant 6) Bella's Lullaby by Carter Burwell - when Edward plays the piano for Bella 7) Spotlight by Mute Math - the Ray-Ban scene when they arrive at school. 8)Supermassive Black Hole by Muse - as they play baseball. 9) Let Me Sign by Rob Pattinson - this isn't included on the CD but it plays as Edward sucks the venom out of Bella's wrist. 10) Go All the Way by Perry Farrell - the song that plays as they enter the prom. 11) Flightless Bird, American Mouth by Iron & Wine - as Bella and Edward slowdance outside and she asks to be made a vampire. 12) 15 Step by Radiohead - not on CD, but the first credit song, played from when Victoria is shown to be watching. 13) Leave Out All the Rest by Linkin Park - second credit song. 14) Decode by Paramore- third credit song.

Question: When Bella discovers Edward has snuck into her room and reveals he's been watching her, Bella has no pants on - just a shirt and underwear. Wouldn't Bella be upset about being seen in her underwear? She doesn't try to cover herself.

Answer: Apparently she wasn't bothered by it. One thing I find so amusing about our culture: If a woman is wearing a bikini at the beach, no-one thinks anything of it. But a bit of underwear showing raises eyebrows.


As a woman, one slight difference is that I would intend for people to see me in a bikini. Underwear can be more "ugly." I wouldn't want most people to see me in an old bra with polka-dot panties that don't match. But I understand your point - it's still sort of funny.

Question: In the car with Edward driving, Bella tries to turn off the heater saying "Okay, I think I'm warm enough now." and she reaches to the heater, but Edward blocks her hand. Why is that? Do vampires like heat because their skin is so cold? I thought they rather liked it cold.

Bunch Son

Chosen answer: Edward wasn't blocking her hand. He, being a gentleman, was merely reaching over to turn the heater off at the same time as Bella and their hands bumped. It's really just a plot device to act as a clue to Bella that Edward is somehow different. She later works out that he is a vampire and his icy cold skin is just one trait.


Question: I haven't read the books, but at times, Charlie Swan's behavior seems to indicate that he knows something about the Cullens. Other than thinking they are a bit odd, does he know that they are vampires or that the Quileutes are wolves?


Chosen answer: According to the 4 books, Charlie does NOT know the Cullens are vampires. Spoiler alert! In the 4th book breaking dawn, Jacob tells Charlie he is a werewolf. Charlie is not made aware of the Cullens as vampires in any of the 4 books.

Tricia Webster

Answer: Charlie does know that the Quileutes have a prejudice against the Cullen's and that they stopped using the hospital that Carlisle works in. When Bella tells her father that the Cullen kids aren't very accepted at school he is defensive and gives a long speech about what a good family they are.

Question: In the scene where James and Victoria find Waylon on his boat and proceed to have him for dinner, it looks like Waylon is wearing an Oregon Country Fair T-shirt. Can anyone verify this?

Answer: No - he's wearing the green "Kiss me, I'm Irish" shirt that you see Victoria wearing later. You also see James later wearing Waylon's leather jacket. The director, Catherine Hardwicke, said she decided to make her hunter vampires steal clothes from their victims, as trophies.

Answer: Not these vampires. They are predators but their teeth are considered "normal", as these stories have been written.

Brenda Elzin

Yes that is correct.

Question: Just saw the movie tonight and loved it, the music especially. I have two questions in one. First, why is it again that Edward and the other vampires glitter in the sunlight? I'm sure they explained it, but I'm hard of hearing and our theater doesn't have very good speakers. Secondly, what is the name of the first song that plays when the credits are switching to the water shimmering in the background? I came in early and heard it once, then stayed during the credits to hear it again.

Answer: The vampires in Twilight glitter because they are not "typical" vampires. The author wanted to address the sunlight issue in a different manner than the "normal" vampire lore, so she created her own vampire mythology in which instead of vampires being harmed by the sun, their skin reflects it back in an odd, and beautiful way. The second song in the credits is "Leave Out All The Rest" by Linkin Park. The third song is "Decode" by Paramore. I posted both because I couldn't remember which song played during that part of the credits.

Question: James lures Bella to the ballet studio with the threat that her mother will be harmed. She hears her mother's scared voice and I'd assume that Bella would be able to tell if it was Victoria and not her mother on the phone. Yet when she wakes up to her mother at the hospital, it's like this never happened. Can anyone tell me what I missed here?

Answer: When James was in Bella's house in Arizona, he had found an old video recording that Bella's mother had made of a very young Bella at the ballet studio. While filming it, Rene' couldn't find Bella, and was frantically calling for her. That was the portion of the tape that James played when he was on the phone with Bella, fooling her that her mother was James' captive. Bella discovered the deception when she arrived at the ballet studio and discovered that her mother was never there or in any danger. When Bella awakens in the hospital, there was no need for any explanation of what happened because her mother believed that Bella had fallen down a hotel staircase.


Answer: The mother was never on the phone with Bella; it was a recording of an old message that James used to lure Bella to the dance studio Mimi's.

Tricia Webster

Answer: I guess you missed the video recorder! When she thinks she's found her mom at the studio all she finds is a video recorder playing a video of when Bella was a child! He was never near her mother.

Answer: The mother was given a set of memories by the cullens, so that all this was explainable. The cullens could not let the mother know that vampire's existed. I assume that Bella was given similar memories so that she can keep up with the lie, Bella of course remember what had really happened.

Question: If vampires don't have a sense of smell, then how do they smell blood and how to they know Bella has a floral scent?

Answer: In the "Twilight" series, all the vampires had a supernatural sense of smell, along with superior eyesight, hearing, and taste (for blood). They use smell to hunt prey. General vampire lore varies about what characteristics they possess. Contemporary authors have always adapted or modified these traits to suit their stories.


Question: How come in Twilight James' venom makes Bella scream and writhe in pain but in the last films she doesn't react to Edwards venom at all. I know they said in Breaking Dawn Part 2 it was because she has the shield ability, but wouldn't is also work the same with James' bite in the first film?


Answer: This is better explained in the books. Unlike the rest of the Cullens, Bella's transformation was planned in advance, so she was expecting the pain. When James bit her, she had no idea that the venom would burn like it did and that was her natural reaction. Also in the books, the morphine that Carlisle gave Bella during the transformation more or less made her unable to scream or even move. As the morphine wore off, she knew she would be able to move, but managed to stay completely still even though she was in intense pain. The reason she managed not to make a sound was out of love for Edward, because she was worried her screams would torment him and make him regret ever changing her.

Answer: A couple of reasons. When Edward first started biting Bella to inject his venom, she was all but clinically dead. Later, while she's transforming into a vampire, Carlisle tells Edward that she's not in any pain because he is treating her with morphine.


Question: Why can't Edward hear Victoria's thoughts when she is at prom? Why is Victoria able to leave without any of the vampires knowing she was there?

Answer: Edward doesn't hear everyone's thoughts at once. He focuses in on nearby individuals. He was preoccupied with Bella, and wasn't aware that Victoria was there while she kept her distance from everyone.


Answer: The same as anyone else. The Cullens live like normal humans. They have fake birth certificates, social security numbers, passports, and all other necessary I.D. All of the younger Cullens attend high school (again and again) like any other teenager. Carlisle Cullen is a doctor, and therefore would have fake medical credentials. Carlisle is immensely wealthy, having accumulated a fortune over the centuries. He has the means to provide whatever they need to maintain their human identities. That would allow Edward, and any of the others, to apply for a driver's license.


Question: Jacob imprinted on Renesmee which technically means they'll fall in love etc., but Renesmee is a vampire which means she's immortal, and Jacob is a shapeshifter so that means that he will age and at some point die, right? So if I am correct that means that Jacob will one day die and Renesmee will spend the rest of her life without her soulmate?

Answer: Not true. Renesmee is half-vampire. She is like the Tecuna half-breed that Alice and Jasper brought back from South America to prove to the Volturi that Renesmee was not an immortal child, who will never develop beyond childhood. She will grow to full-adulthood and be long-lived, but not immortal. She can eat human food or live on blood. She also needs to sleep like a human, which vampires do not do. As a shape-shifter, Jacob will also be long-lived, so in the future, both will die. Just when is unknown.


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Trivia: Bella drops the apple in the cafeteria when she gives her theories on what Edward is. When Edward bounces the apple back up from his foot, the way that his hand catches the apple is the cover of the book.

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