Gene Kranz: I don't care about what anything was *designed* to do. I care about what it *can* do.
Marilyn Lovell: Naturally, it's 13. Why 13?
Jim Lovell: It comes after 12, hon.
Fred Haise: It hurts when I urinate.
Jim Lovell: Well, you're not getting enough water.
Fred Haise: No, I'm drinkin' my rations, same as you... I think old Swigert gave me the clap. Been pissin' in my relief tube.
Jim Lovell: Well, that'd be a hot one at the debriefing for the flight surgeons... Another first for America's spacemen.
Gene Kranz: Let's work the problem people. Let's not make things worse by guessing.
NASA Director: This could be the worst disaster NASA's ever experienced.
Gene Kranz: With all due respect, sir, I believe this is gonna be our finest hour.
Gene Kranz: We've never lost an American in space, and we sure as hell not gonna lose one on my watch! Failure is not an option. (01:16:55)
Marilyn Lovell: I can't deal with cleaning up. Let's sell the house.
Jim Lovell: We just put Sir Isaac Newton in the driver's seat.
Jim Lovell: Gentlemen, it's been a privilege flying with you.
Technician: How much power have we got to work with?
John Aaron, EECOM Arthur: Barely enough to run this coffee pot for nine hours.
Marilyn Lovell: Blanche, Blanche, these nice young men are going to watch the television with you. This is Neil Armstrong, and this is Buzz... Aldrin.
Neil Armstrong: Hi.
Blanche Lovell: Are you boys in the space program too?
Jack Swigert: So long, Earth. Catch you on the flip side.
Jim Lovell: Houston, we have a problem.
Answer: From what I have read, according to the real astronauts, it was not as cold in the capsule as was depicted in the film. The movie exaggerated that for dramatic effect.
raywest ★