Stupidity: The villains decide to eliminate the entire police force to get away with their crimes after previous attempts have been unsuccessful. We see cops caught off guard, blown up in their houses, as well as one being shot at an opportune moment. So, why would the henchman ruin their moment to strike by trying to kill Murtaugh with physical attacks when they could have blown up his house or shot him too?
Stupidity: It was pure stupidity for Riggs to bring Rika back at her residence after escaping the hit on Riggs. The villains know where Riggs' love interest lives and this nor the option to hide somewhere else or safer never occurs to him?
Stupidity: When the guy is escaping on the helicopter at the beginning, the cops are all in position pointing their guns. Despite the baddie shooting at them, not one cop bothers to fire back (despite being fully within their right to). They just stand there and let him escape.
Chosen answer: 'Mandrake the Magician' was a comic strip that was popular (at least in Australia) in the 1970s. It featured the title character that was able to perform very elaborate magic tricks (including disappearing acts).
david barlow