President Ashton: This intel is certain?
Phil McCullough: Absolutely.
President Ashton: Then why aren't we focusing on the ones who are here actually doing this?
Phil McCullough: We are.
President Ashton: This summit is too important.
Phil McCullough: I know that sir, but we're looking for five people out of six million. We are trying.
President Ashton: Try harder.
Luis: Is everything going to plan?
Suarez: To the last detail.
Luis: And the President? Are you sure they sent a double?
Suarez: The beauty of American arrogance is that they can't imagine a world where they're not a step ahead.
President Ashton: He doesn't even look like me.
Phil McCullough: Mr. President, we have to act strong.
President Ashton: No we have to be strong. We have the world's sympathy. Let's honor them.
Thomas Barnes: Thanks.
Kent Taylor: For what?
Thomas Barnes: For getting me back out here.
Kent Taylor: Don't thank me yet.
Kent Taylor: This war will never end.
Chosen answer: It's not stated in the film, but if I had to make an educated guess I'd say his job is to make sure the news channel doesn't get any footage of any of the terrorist agents or the window the shots come from.