President Ashton: This intel is certain?
Phil McCullough: Absolutely.
President Ashton: Then why aren't we focusing on the ones who are here actually doing this?
Phil McCullough: We are.
President Ashton: This summit is too important.
Phil McCullough: I know that sir, but we're looking for five people out of six million. We are trying.
President Ashton: Try harder.
Luis: Is everything going to plan?
Suarez: To the last detail.
Luis: And the President? Are you sure they sent a double?
Suarez: The beauty of American arrogance is that they can't imagine a world where they're not a step ahead.
President Ashton: He doesn't even look like me.
Phil McCullough: Mr. President, we have to act strong.
President Ashton: No we have to be strong. We have the world's sympathy. Let's honor them.
Thomas Barnes: Thanks.
Kent Taylor: For what?
Thomas Barnes: For getting me back out here.
Kent Taylor: Don't thank me yet.
Kent Taylor: This war will never end.
Answer: He assumed by the movement of the curtains that there must be someone up there, which of course the Secret Service should have cleared to make sure there was no-one there.