Any Given Sunday

Visible crew/equipment: In the opening scene, Dennis Quaid is shown yelling out the count to his team-mates from the QB position. His shiny helmet clearly shows the camera crew filming him as he faces forward.

Visible crew/equipment: When Cap is working out in his gym late at night, after his wife walks in and says, "Yo, Rocky...," watch the mirror as she leans against the wall. There is a clear shot of a crew member in a white T-shirt reading something, and looking up just before the shot cuts away.

Continuity mistake: At the beginning of the movie, the score on the scoreboard and the score that is shown on the screen are different. This happens throughout the film.

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Jack Rose: Oh that's great! That's just fucking great! Did you get that?

More quotes from Any Given Sunday

Trivia: Director Oliver Stone makes a cameo as sportscaster.

More trivia for Any Given Sunday

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