Arthur Seldom: Any formulation is valid in the series because we can always find a rule that justifies it.
Arthur Seldom: There is no way of finding a single absolute truth, an irrefutable argument which might help answer the questions of mankind. Philosophy, therefore, is dead, because whereof we cannot speak, thereof we must be silent.
Arthur Seldom: The only perfect crime that exists is not the one that remains unsolved, but the one which is solved with the wrong culprit.
Arthur Seldom: Miss Scarlet is now an electron, okay? And you're looking at her through a keyhole or a particle accelerator - as you wish - and every time you look at her, Miss Scarlet will have changed her appearance or her position because the very fact that you observe her alters her atomic state. How about that?
Martin: Don't try to confuse me with tricks.
Lorna: You're like two kids fighting over a ball.
Arthur Seldom: And you're the ball?
Lorna: No, I'm the nurse who's going to spank your bottoms if you don't shut up.