Plot hole: In the scene where 47 swings out of the hotel window, we see the booby trap starting to explode as he's still in the room. Then in the shot from outside, the explosion extends out the window - so how on Earth did he outrun it and get out completely unscathed?
Suggested correction: He escaped before the debris from the explosion reached him. If you watch in slow motion, you can see that he was ahead of the debris whilst in the room, then below it when out of the window. And even if he had been hit by some, it wouldn't have been a plot hole, unless he was killed or seriously injured.
Factual error: When 47 shoots the two soldiers in the hotel, they die instantly. In reality, a person shot with only one bullet still has about 1-2 minutes of normal body functions before they lose consciousness - it is not unknown for people to fail to realise that they have been shot. (Police trainers often report that their students are surprised when their targets aren't killed at once but instead get back up and retaliate). The soldiers wouldn't have been taken out instantly and should have had more than enough time to fight back. And they were wearing body armour, which should have been enough to stop a pistol bullet from causing an instant kill.
Suggested correction: Presuming you mean the two he shoots that are outside room 405, it's not known that he kills them. We see them get shot (no blood) and fall backwards, then the scene changes before they even hit the ground.