Audio problem: In the external shot of "The Orient Express Restaurant" where Daniel's mum sits down and says, "Guess what? I'm going to be training as a manager.", her mouth isn't moving at all.
Audio problem: During the dance scene, when Ali and Daniel open the shower curtain prop and see the chicken running towards them, you hear Daniel say, "He's wild." But his lips do not match him saying that at all.
Audio problem: At the Country Club Dinner Dance, the band is playing the "Fascination Waltz", but the conductor's baton is at a faster tempo.
Audio problem: During the beach fight between Johnny and Daniel right at the time Daniel runs at Johnny and Johnny trips him for the FIRST TIME, you can see some of Johnny's friends holding Ali back as she yells, "Johnny, Stop It." But if you look close, it is easy to tell her lips aren't moving at that point.
Chosen answer: He didn't lie. That was the company she was supposed to be working for. However, the company went bankrupt and she lost her job. She showed up at the restaurant at the same time that the hostess quit and was hired immediately.