Continuity mistake: In the wide overhead shots as the crowd starts gathering at the dome edge and when Russ Cargill's image appears, note the homes on the third block at the far left side of the screen, which change when Cargill says, "Believe me it's the last thing we wanted to do."

Continuity mistake: When the Simpsons enter church they walk past Dr. Hibbert and he's wearing a solid black tie, but when Grampa has the outburst Dr. Hibbert is wearing a striped red tie. (Also, the stripes at the tie's knot are the same direction as the tie blade, though when tying the knot the stripes would be going the opposite direction).
Continuity mistake: In the first interior shot of the church, there are nine rows of pews on each side of the aisle, with Mr. Burns in the last pew on one side and Mrs. Glick in the last pew on the other side, but when Grampa starts rolling around on the floor there are eleven rows of pews, with two extra pews on both sides behind Burns and Glick. Additionally, the Reverend's wife is seated in the first pew, but just as Grampa shouts, "Trapped forever," we can see the back of an extra pew in front of Helen. (The front of the raised pulpit has vertical wood panels, and the pew is solid).

Continuity mistake: At church, seated in the pew behind the Simpsons are Moe and Kirk, and in the pew behind Moe and Kirk are Disco Stu, Professor Frink, and six other people, but just as Grampa shouts, "Trapped forever," in this one shot that entire pew with Disco Stu, the Professor, and all the other people has vanished, but then the pew reappears.

Continuity mistake: While Bart watches from the tree, Homer brushes the pig's hair and carries the animal out of the room, then Bart turns to see Ned tucking his kids in bed, and when Bart turns toward Homer again the lower window has a center muntin bar, but when Bart aims his slingshot at Homer that muntin bar has vanished.

Continuity mistake: When the silo is pulled out of the lake, Eddie is writing in a notepad. However as the silo turns round he has his arms crossed. (00:30:50)

Continuity mistake: Russ Cargill puts the 5 options on the desk the first time and spreads them out. His hand is then covering the number 5. Camera changes to another angle and his hand is no longer covering the number 5. (00:26:10)

Continuity mistake: When the dome is lowered we see Sideshow Mel hitting it with his bone. In the background you can see Dr. Hibbert and his wife. When Russ comes on the dome, Dr Hibbert and his wife are now in a completely different spot, and have changed sides. (00:28:00)

Continuity mistake: When Homer drops the bug zapper in the pond, we see he still has the wire in his hand. Camera cuts to him about to grab a fish and the wire has gone. (00:16:45)

Continuity mistake: When Krusty is filming the advert for the Clogger, before the director says action the bin is to the side of the set with a boom mic stand right next to it. After the advert, the boom stand has gone as seen when Krusty throws the burger away. The bin is also closer to the curtain than it was before. (00:14:05)

Continuity mistake: The clipboard Colin has when he first meets Lisa vanishes from his hands. (00:10:20)
Continuity mistake: When we first see inside the church, the organist is playing on the bottom set of keys. Camera changes and now she is suddenly playing on the top set of keys. (00:04:40)

Continuity mistake: After Homer taunts the angry mob about not knowing where he lives, the mob gathers in front of his house, and in the shot of Homer and Marge in the bedroom note the light switch on the wall and the items on the dressing table, but in the next shot as Lisa and Bart run into the room the items on the table have vanished and the light switch is gone. (00:31:30)

Continuity mistake: At the cabin, after watching the TV report about the "new Grand Canyon," when Marge puts on her robe there aren't any pockets, but in following shots two pockets have appeared.
Continuity mistake: While Marge and Bart are in the service station market, when Marge points to the beef jerky jars the end of the service counter is right beside the jars, but when the clerk fills the bag the counter is now much longer, past the cigar display.

Continuity mistake: After being held in the EPA truck, when Marge and the kids wake up at the Town Square - the remains of the courthouse with its lion statues are behind them. The buildings to the left of the courthouse change in following shots, such as while Cletus distracts Cargill, or when Homer's on the motorcycle and grabs the cowboy hat. (01:04:30)

Continuity mistake: After Russ Cargill places the tank with the mutated squirrel on the President's desk, when Cargill says, "Here's our chance to kick some ass for mother earth," the tank's not on the desk where it was placed, but then it reappears where it should be. (00:26:10)

Continuity mistake: During the town hall meeting, Mayor Quimby's podium has a recessed panel at the front which vanishes when he asks who's in favor of a new scissor lift platform. (00:19:50)

Continuity mistake: When Homer walks into the kitchen to show Marge his new Simpson addition, we can see the shelving unit under the window in the den that has a single spindle and finial from the top to middle shelf, with two blue books lying on their sides, but in the closeup of the pig's tail now there are two spindles and two finials, with a red book that's upright. (00:15:25)

Continuity mistake: When Homer brings his pet pig home to meet Marge, they enter the kitchen and the roll of paper towels is hanging under the cabinet near the window, but in the closeup when he and the pig share a carrot the paper towel roll and its holder have both vanished, and then they reappear. A cutting board suddenly appears on the counter as well. (00:15:30)
Answer: Homer has been known not to make the smartest decisions, and the decisions he does make, he makes without fully thinking them through. Clearly he wanted to get some donuts as quickly as possible without thinking of any other ways, so he decided to ditch the silo in the lake as it would be the fastest way of getting it off his back, even if it's not the smartest. Also, putting that aside, he likely wanted his own pick of the donuts rather than have Lenny guess what he wanted.
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