In & Out

In & Out (1997)

1 factual error - chronological order

(3 votes)

Factual error: The movie opens with the Academy Awards, which as everyone knows are held no later than late March. Then Howard's wedding is no less than a week later, at which point he accidentally outs himself and is subsequently fired. It's clear that the kids' graduation is no more than a week or two later (made especially clear by the fact that Cameron, rushing to town, gets there the same night of the wedding and then is still there at graduation.) But high school graduations are in June or, at the earliest, May - which last time I checked was more than a week or two after the end of March.

Other mistake: The day after the Academy Awards, there is tall corn in the fields and the kids are dressed for warm weather. The Academy Awards are in March, not a warm, corn-growing time in Indiana.

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Answer: He made an assumption, based on certain things he'd observed, which turned out to be true. Other people in town must clearly have had similar ideas about Howard - witness all the Streisand albums at his bachelor party - but Cameron was probably just the first one to voice it aloud. And it was just as well for Howard, because it set him on the road to discovering the truth about himself.

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