There are many things that I would regard Hot Fuzz as: My favourite comedy movie of all time, my favourite action/comedy of all time, my favourite cop movie, my favourite Edgar Wright movie and my favourite spoof movie.
I think I have watched this movie over ten times by now and it feels fresh with every single rewatch. Just about every time I watch this movie, I notice something new I had not seen in an earlier watch. There is not a single joke that falls flat, they land every single time. And has one of the best third acts of all time.
I have always loved how the movie is directed to appear as a gritty cop movie, and how random everyday occurrences are edited to look like an action sequence, and the mystery is genuinely engaging. Not to be overlooked is Simon Pegg’s performance, he acts like a tough policeman, but makes the character likeable and relatable. Nick Frost is funny as his partner, and the supporting cast is great as well.
This movie manages to simultaneously feel like a gritty cop movie, but always manages to maintain its light hearted comedic feel so that it can work as a comedy, a mystery, an cop action movie and a spoof movie all in one.
Casual Person
Answer: There's no missing scene. He just managed to survive the gunshot. Simple as that. It's a comedy movie that's having some fun with action-film cliches. Character surviving gunshots and explosions that should have killed them fits right in with that theme. (Not to mention, even beyond the movie, it's not uncommon at all for people to survive gunshots like that in real life).