The Dark Knight

Factual error: When Fox is talking with Lau over lunch on what is supposed to be the roof of Lau's Hong Kong office building, you can see the buildings of Chicago's McCormick Place in the background. (00:29:55)


Other mistake: Whenever a character shoots a shotgun in the air inside, there isn't any debris from the shot. It happens when Joker crashes the fund raising party and when guards try to control the prisoners on the ship. (00:47:00)

Continuity mistake: When Joker is looking for Harvey, he grabs Rachael and holds her head. Camera cuts and his grip on her head/face changed instantly. (00:49:25)


Factual error: When they reconstruct the bullet in the scanner, the fingerprint goes the whole way down to the bottom of the bullet. This would not be the correct pattern, as there should be a blank ring at the bottom where the bullet would have been covered by the casing. (00:56:50)

Continuity mistake: When Bruce gets on his motor bike on the way to the apartment, overlooking the governor's speech, his hair is all greased back. But when he gets off the bike and takes his helmet off, his hair is fuller and not as greasy. When they cut to him inside the apartment, his hair is once again greased back like it was before he got on the bike. (00:57:30)

Continuity mistake: When Alfred finds a match to the fingerprint we see Bruce pushing the motorbike in the background. Camera cut and Bruce has stopped pushing the bike, got on, and is sorting his helmet out. (00:58:10)


Continuity mistake: When Harvey is talking to the fake cop, he hold a coin and says, "Heads, you keep yours, tails, not so lucky." When he says this, the way he holds the coin changes instantly. (01:04:10)


Revealing mistake: In the chase scene, the police helicopter appears to have NYPD markings instead of Gotham Police. (01:12:00)

Continuity mistake: In the car chase, as they exit onto lower 5th, the convoy has, in order, a police cruiser, 2 swat vans, then 2 cruisers. When the garbage truck pulls up next to the convoy, he takes out the second to last cruiser first (there is a car visible behind). It then spins out another cruiser in front of it before reaching the van with Dent in it, but there should have been no other cruiser between that one and the van. (01:13:00)

The Dark Knight mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the chase on Lower Fifth, the refuse truck's left headlamp is alternately present and lit, or completely missing (not just unlit). (01:13:30)


Continuity mistake: As the joker loads the second RPG we see the garbage truck back away from the SWAT van by a few feet. Camera changes to the rear of the SWAT van and the garbage truck is touching it again. (01:13:45)


Continuity mistake: In the chasing scene where the Peterbilt truck hits a swat van, the truck's right front light is damaged. In the next scene, the light seems to be undamaged and then, damaged again. (01:14:00)

The Dark Knight mistake picture

Continuity mistake: On lower 5th, the SWAT driver yells lock and load. When he does he has 2 cable ties in loops on his left hand side of his jacket that are exactly equal in size, both the loop and the "tail." We see outside the van for a few seconds. When the camera returns to the driver, the loops are now different sizes as evident by one having a longer "tail". (01:14:00)


The Dark Knight mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: In the scene where the convoy is driving through the entrance of the tunnel you can see the black helicopter the film crew uses right behind the police helicopter. (01:15:15)

Continuity mistake: During the chase on the Lower Fifth, the lead SWAT van is hit by Peterbilt on the passenger side (with the driver side facing the water). When the van crashes through the barrier wall and goes into the water, it is facing the wrong direction. (01:15:50)


Revealing mistake: In the scene after Batman thwarts the Joker's attempt to kidnap Harvey Dent by making the lorry the Joker is driving crash, the Joker crawls out of the lorry, picks up a gun and starts firing. In the background on the right alongside the Joker is a shop with the sign 'Sweet Home Chicago', where the scene was filmed - it should be Gotham. (01:18:35)

Continuity mistake: One of the batpod arms guards/shields covering the handles falls off when Batman hits the truck when trying to avoid hitting the Joker. It's on the floor after that stunt, but when the Joker walks towards Batman, it's not there and gets reattached. (01:22:17)

Continuity mistake: While interrogating Joker, Batman holds him against the wall. Joker's hairstyle keeps swapping between two different styles, depending on the camera angle. (01:26:00)


The Dark Knight mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the interrogation scene, when Batman beats up Joker, Joker's hands are holding Batman's forearms upside down (from underneath). When the frame changes his hands are now on top of Batman's forearms, then it cuts back and his hands are under again. (01:28:00 - 01:29:00)

The Joker: Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order and everything becomes chaos. I'm an agent of chaos. Oh, and you know what the thing about chaos is? It's fair.

More quotes from The Dark Knight
More trivia for The Dark Knight

Question: In the scene where Batman shows Lucius his giant sonar thing, why is he talking in his big scary voice? Lucius knows who he is, so why does he bother disguising his voice?

Answer: It's habit, and a sensible one at that. When he's in the mask, when he's being Batman, he uses the voice, even if the person he's with knows who he is. If he drops back to his normal voice with some people, it sets the precedent for using it while wearing the cowl, which means that he's more likely to slip up and use it around people who don't know, potentially revealing his true identity. If he sticks rigidly to using the voice when kitted up as Batman, regardless of situation, it minimises that possibility.


Answer: At the bottom of his cowl Batman has devices designed to keep his voice at that level. The director revealed it, of you look at the right screenshots you can see speakers.

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