Casino Royale

Question: During a break in the card game Bond slips something into Le Chiffre's inhaler - but I don't recall anything coming of it later. What did he slip in and what was the significance of that?

Answer: It's a tracking device he can use to find Le Chiffre at all times. He uses it whilst in the hotel lift to determine that Le Chiffre is on the 4th floor of the hotel and which room he is in.


Question: Is one born with a deranged tear duct or is it acquired? Also, why does Le Chiffre have a clouded and faded iris, is that part of the disorder? Can he even see out of that eye? The scar above and below his eye must also be related, or could someone have inflicted it upon him?

Jason Riley

Chosen answer: It is possible to be born with this affliction, but his injury to the same eye suggests he wasn't.


Question: When Bond finds out Dimitri is going to the airport to fly to Miami, we see Bond leaving Dimitri's "wife" and heading off to the airport, with the intention of following Dimitri. The question is: Bond is seen in the Alpha Romero he won from Dimitri in a poker match, but then we see Bond in the back seat of a taxi. So why two vehicles? Dimitri is seen in a taxi himself.

Kathy Higgs 2b4e

Chosen answer: The first shot is Bond driving the Aston Martin DB5 (not an Alpha Romeo) to the airport in the Bahamas. The second shot in the taxi is in Miami.


Question: In the scene where Bond retrieves his weapon from the concierge and enters the elevator with Vesper, he attaches his earpiece and goes to Le Chiffre's floor. Is he going to shoot Le Chiffre? If so, this doesn't seem to fit with trying to beat Le Chiffre at Poker. If not, what was his mission?

Answer: Bond went upstairs only to spy on him. The gun was for if anything went wrong.

Question: I don't fully understand how Le Chiffre lost all his money when the bomb failed to blow up the prototype aircraft at Miami airport. If the bomb had exploded, the shares in the airliner would have crumbled, but because it didn't, wouldn't think mean that Le Chiffre missed out on the opportunity to make a load of money, but would still be left with the money he had in the first place?

Answer: Le Chiffre was essentially betting that airline stock would fall, so he bought futures contracts assuming the price would fall, when the bomb did not go off, airline stock did not fall, so he lost his money, as the contract he'd bought still had to be fulfilled.


Answer: Lachiffre had bought Puts on the Airline stock which have a definite drop dead date, expiration date, usually the 3rd Friday of any month. So the bomb is a dud, the Airline rollout is a success, stock goes up, puts expire worthless.

Answer: Its not realistic IMO, but a successful roll-out of the new airliner would have led to an increase in the stock's price which would have cost anyone shorting it. Just not 100% of their investment.


Shorting stocks can cost an investor more than 100% of their investment. For example if you borrowed 1 stock for $50 hoping the stocks drop to $20, you make $30. But it the stocks jump to $150, you lose $100 (twice your investment).


Question: When Bond realises he has been poisoned at the poker game, he mixes salt with water and drinks it. What was this supposed to do? Does salt mixed with water rid the body of hazardous chemicals or something?


Chosen answer: He did it to simply make himself vomit, which is what he does into the sink. Inducing vomiting is meant to rid the stomach of the poison that hasn't been absorbed (although this idea is debatable, Bond thought it was wise). However, he was still in danger because he already absorbed enough of the poison, which is why he goes to the car and injects the antidote (the injection he gives himself in the neck).


Answer: Thiopentone Sodium, Sodium Nitrite, and Sodium Thiosulfate are the most common chemicals used to treat cyanide poisoning. Cyanide might've been Bond's first thought, and he was ingesting large quantities of sodium to try to stave off the effects.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: How can Bond beat Le Chiffre in the final hand? He has $40.5 million and the other 2 have $5 and $6 million, leaving Le Chiffre with more than Bond, or am I wrong?

Answer: No. Mathis mentions there is $115 million in the pot. Subtract the $24 million it started with and the $11 million from the other two players and you have $80 million. If Bond has $40.5 million, Le Chiffre has $39.5 million. Technically, if Le Chiffre won, Bond would have gotten $1 million back to play again.

Greg Dwyer

Question: When Bond wakes up in the hospital after being tortured and his eyesight is blurry, who is standing above him?

Answer: Vesper at first, and then Mathis (whom Bond believes to be a double agent) appears next to her.

Question: This may be very obvious to others :- Why does Vesper have a password / account with the banker - when it was only the poker players for this stupendous game of high stakes who had individual passwords? I understand she was 'the money' but she wasn't a player therefore why did she have her own password to input with the banker and his silver case in Geneva? I really didn't understand that at all.


Chosen answer: Because Bond simply tells her the password as she's punching it in. As to the account, the proceeds would go to the British government, so it's only logical that Vesper would know the right account to put it in.


Question: When Bond ordered the Vesper martini while staring at Le Chiffre, was he ordering the drink out loud so as to distract Le Chiffre from his focus or throw him off? I figured Bond purposely did that for that reason, and the other card players following Bond's lead and ordering the same drink only worked to Bond's favor as Le Chiffre became frustrated and knocked off center.

Answer: If that was the point, it doesn't have much impact; Le Chiffre makes a brief, annoyed comment, but his game does not suffer. I've always just interpreted it for what it is: Bond, being an alcohol connoisseur, orders a bespoke martini and the others, deciding they like the sound of it, follow suit. The fact that it annoyed Le Chiffre seems to be an unintended consequence, though, of course, Felix Leiter and Bond then share a moment over it, foreshadowing their later alliance.

Question: One thing I didn't understand. If Chiffre's organisation had kidnapped Vesper's boyfriend already in return for the money, how could Vesper have struck a deal for them to spare Bond in return for the money? Couldn't they not accept since they already have the upper hand (Vesper's boyfriend)?

Answer: Vesper's boyfriend was a member of Quantum himself. He wasn't actually in danger, but his kidnapping was staged to gain leverage over Vesper. Since they were getting the money anyway letting Bond live didn't seem much of a stretch, he was only a raw agent at the time.

Question: Why did Le Chiffre have to torture Bond for the password when Vesper would eventually steal the money anyway and arrange to have it delivered to Quantum under Bond's and MI6's noses?

Answer: There's no indication that Le Chiffre knew that Vesper was going to do this. He's trying to save his own skin, because he knows if he doesn't get the money back to Quantum, they'll kill him. Of course, they do kill him, and then use Vesper to get the money anyway, once Bond transfers the money to what he thinks is the UK treasury account (but is, in fact, a dummy account Vesper set up).

Question: When Bond gets out of the Aston Martin for the big game, he retrieves the pistol with silencer from the glove box, and puts it in his jacket. One of the breaks from the poker game, they go to the front desk and are handed an envelope with another pistol with silencer... Did he lose the first pistol in fight with the Ugandans?


Answer: It's the same gun. The gun was stored in the Aston Martin, which Bond first retrieves when he gets the envelope from the front desk with the dossier and key fob for the car. He puts the gun in the envelope and has the front desk hold it for him (off screen) since weapons aren't allowed in the poker room (the players are searched). He retrieves the gun from the front desk when he goes to Le Chiffre's room. It does appear that he leaves the gun in the stairwell after the fight but Mathis would have retrieved it and likely disposed of it.


Question: If Vesper was a traitor from the start, why did she save Bond in the car? Wouldn't it be easier to let him die and let Le Chiffre win the game to save her husband?

Answer: Vesper had fallen for Bond and didn't want him to die. Later on she makes a deal with Mr. White to spare Bond's life when he comes for Le Chifre.


So she worked for Le Chiffre giving the location of the chip and the tic and then to Mr. White to save Bond's life?

She never actually worked for Le Chifre, per se. She worked for Quantum (the organization Mr. White worked for). It's just that Quantum wanted Vesper to help Le Chifre get the money because he was also working for them.


Question: After watching the entire series, in retrospect, would it stand to reason that Ernest Stavro Blofeld himself ordered Le Chiffre to be killed? Mr. White was, in the beginning, Blofeld's right-hand man, so I was wondering.

Answer: Since Blofeld is the leader of SPECTRE, yes, he ordered Le Chiffre killed.

Revealing mistake: During the scene at the restaurant in Montenegro (actually filmed in the Czech Republic), you see a payphone with a Czech Telecom logo on it (itself a piece of history, as these are all now rebranded O2). (01:57:50)

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Trivia: The internal shots of the hotel in Venice Bond is staying in were filmed in the National Museum in Prague. The patterned floor is very recognisable to anyone who's been there.

Jon Sandys

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