Captain Stransky: A world without women. It's an old theory of mine. Men can get along without women easily. Easily. I tell you a man's true destiny is not just breeding children, all this childbirth and chocolate, but to be free. To rule and to fight. In other words: to lead a man's existence. Women are no more than a nuisance. Sometimes necessary.
Captain Stransky: What of your platoon?
Sargeant Steiner: Two killed, one missing.
Captain Stransky: Two killed, how?
Sargeant Steiner: Bullets. Mortar fire, artillery, heavy salvos, bad luck, terminal syphilis, the usual things, Captain.
Sargeant Steiner: You shoot him... sir.
Captain Stransky: I will... on the spot.
Kern: Do you believe in God, Sergeant?
Sargeant Steiner: I believe God is a sadist, but probably doesn't even know it.
Colonel Brandt: What will we do when we have lost the war?
Captain Kiesel: Prepare for the next one.
Unteroffizier (Cpl.) Schnurrbart ('Private Mustache'): " and von Clausewitz said, 'war is a continuation of state policy by other means.'"
Sargeant Steiner: "Yes," Steiner says, looking to the trenches, " by other means."
Captain Kiesel: Steiner... is a myth. Men like him are our last hope... and in that sense, he is a truly dangerous man.
Unteroffizier Krüger: I stay dirty for a reason. If you've been in the field as long as I've been, you'd know why.
Sargeant Steiner: Explain.
Unteroffizier Krüger: Natural body oils, combined with dirt, can keep you waterproof.
Captain Stransky: I will show you how a true Prussian officer fights.
Sargeant Steiner: Then I will show you, where the Iron Crosses grow.
Leutnant Triebig: It was all Stransky's orders! I hadn't no part in it.