Connor MacLeod: Life brings hope and pain, but revenge never brings redemption.
Jacob Kell: Look on the bright side, at least you went down swinging.
Jacob Kell: What you need to understand is that I don't care about the game. I don't care about the rules. I don't even care about these pathetic souls you keep locked away as a barrier to the prize.
Kate MacLeod: Until the day we are reborn.
Jin Ke: Men, for the most part can mend their ways only after they have made a mistake.
Jacob Kell: A woman is a temple built on a sewer.
Kate MacLeod: Stealing's wrong. Lying's wrong. Killing's wrong. What you did goes well beyond wrong.
Duncan MacLeod: Fine I deserve that but I want a chance to make it right.
Kate MacLeod: You want to make it right? Then give me back the ability to have children, to grow old with the man I love. How about anything that resembles a normal life? And you took it all away from me.
Answer: It seems some catastrophic event occurs. This movie follows the continuity of the television show. In one episode Joe Dawson tells Duncan MacLeod the last time it happened was when two immortals fought in a temple at the base of a volcano. He tells him this caused the eruption that consumed Pompeii. But, Dawson also specifies that it's only a legend, and can't be confirmed as actually being THE specific reason for Vesuvius's eruption.