
Highlander (1986)


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Brenda: What are you going to do?
Connor MacLeod: The question is what are you going to do? Are you going to turn off the tape or shoot me with a .45?

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Trivia: I was an extra on the Highlander Scottish battle scenes and since Scottish weather isn't the most hospitable, all the extras got very drunk on whisky to keep warm. When you see the Scottish charge insanely, it's because we were all drunk, which led to us picking out the wrong weapons and kilts for the next days filming because no one could remember who had what.

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Question: In the director's cut (which seems to be the most widely available version these days), what's the deal with all the backflips in the opening fight? The editing is very awkward. Fasil goes from running, to doing backflips, then back to running, then back to doing backflips several times, seemingly between shots, during a short section of the fight. Is it just bad editing? Or is the movie trying to suggest that it's a different person doing the flips? Or... what? It's so confusingly edited.


Answer: The Director, Russell Mulcahy, started his career making music videos. He was known for using fast cuts and tracking shots.

Answer: I always felt the idea was given he was trying to move very rapidly whilst also being silent. In a garage with those shoes on your footsteps are very loud. Perhaps he was trying to confuse MacLeod as to where he was.


I'm not asking why he's doing backflips. I'm asking why the editing is so confusing, since he goes from doing backflips, to running somewhere completely else, then back to backflips at the first location between edits. (Look up the clip "The Highlander (1986) 1080p : Underground parking Fight Scene. Epic!" on YouTube and pay attention around 4:20.) He also loses his sword whenever we see him doing backflips, even though he's carrying it when he's running. The editing makes absolutely no sense.


I know the scene. As I said, it's supposed to look like Fasil is confusing MacLeod by moving around a lot. Him losing his sword as he does it is already a corrected entry.


Ah, got ya. Sorry, misunderstood what you mean. It just seemed very awkwardly edited to me.


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