Theo: You feel cut off from the world, but the world has missed you. Happy tossing and turning.
Theo: You know what, the rest of you may hate your insomnia but I'm not sure I want a cure for mine. That's when I get all my best ideas... I'm alone, occasionally... with no distractions. My mind is racing with creative ideas and come 3am I feel like a genius.
Luke: Oh come on, this is crazy. Maybe she doesn't want to be found.
Luke: I don't know, I just think Dr. Marrow's up to something. And you know what, I'm going to find out. Right after I check on Theo, that is. I wonder how she's doing.
Eleanor "Nell" Vance: Doing or wearing?
Luke: Yeah, no kidding. Did you see what she had on yesterday? Hey I definitely got a soft spot for Theo.
Eleanor "Nell" Vance: You know all my life, I have been waiting for an adventure. I thought it would never happen to me. I mean adventures are for soldiers, or for bullfighters, the women fall in love with. Now, here I am. Paintings are moving and strange voices are calling for me at night, and all it cost me was five gallons of GAS.
Eleanor "Nell" Vance: Why do you need so many chains?
Mr. Dudley: That's a good question. What is it about fences? Sometimes the people on either side of the fence see a locked chain, they feel a little more comforted, why do you suppose that is?
Dr. David Marrow: Okay, so what do we all need in life? What are the basics? Food, water, shelter.
Theo: ...Sex.
Theo: Isn't it based on the Gates of Hell, by Rodin?
Eleanor "Nell" Vance: Well, It's not just hell. You see the children, they're are reaching up for heaven, but their souls are trapped in purgatory. And these are the demons... who can hold on to your soul for as long as they want.
Theo: Did you study art?
Eleanor "Nell" Vance: No, I studied purgatory. I was there once for eleven years. It's when your soul is caught between the living and the dead.
Ritchie: Eleanor, help me! I gotta pee.
Eleanor "Nell" Vance: He killed them. Hugh Crain. The children from the mills. It's just like you said. He wanted to fill the house with the sounds of children. He took from his mills and he brought them here, but he wouldn't let them go. He would never let them go.
Dr. David Marrow: Let me explain what's happening here. You're participating in a study on group fear and hysteria.
Luke: What? That's it, that's what this was all about?
Theo: You brought us here to scare us, is that it?
Dr. David Marrow: Yes.
Luke: And you were just waiting for her to have a total nervous breakdown before you said it? I mean, what is your problem?
Jane: Also, we know how much you loved Mom's car, so we're giving it to you.
Eleanor "Nell" Vance: You're taking away my home, and giving me a twenty year old car? Who are you?
Luke: What's the deal with the Addams Family mansion?
Luke: I'm not staying in this freaking house another second, so come on.
Mrs. Dudley: I set dinner on the dining room sideboard at six. Breakfast is ready at nine. I don't stay after dinner. Not after it begins to get dark. We live in town, nine miles, so there won't be anyone around if you need help.
Eleanor "Nell" Vance: We couldn't even hear you.
Mrs. Dudley: No one could. No one lives any nearer than town.
Eleanor "Nell" Vance: No one will come any nearer than that.
Mrs. Dudley: In the night.
Eleanor "Nell" Vance: In the dark.
Answer: She has faith and the courage to face him without fear. After years of bring used and abused, she finally had enough. The only way to conquer your fears is to face them.