Gwen: Just smile and shut up.
Lee: Okay, Siegfried and Roy just left the building. They're heading for the pool deck.
Danny: Siegfried and Roy are here?
Lee: No, not the real Siegfri... It's a code. You wanted to play this game, you little schmuck.
Narrator: Eddie Thomas and Gwen Harrison: America's Sweethearts.
Eddie: That's a nice necklace.
Kiki: It's not really mine.
Eddie: I know.
Kiki: It's Gwen's.
Eddie: I know.
Kiki: She gave it to me.
Eddie: And I gave it to her.
Kiki: I know.
Hector: Can I just say something please? Excuse me. What was said about my penis on the screen... that is completely false. Completely! I am extremely well hung. I will submit to a physical inspection right now.
Hector: Maybe you want to take a swing at me? Huh? Tall boy. Come on. Please, come on.
Eddie: What are you...? What is that?
Hector: Let's go. Please. Please, make my day.
Eddie: I'm grateful for the earth... I'm grateful for the stars and the sky.
Lee: Did you cut this yourself?
Danny: Well, no, Chad in Marketing.
Lee: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Always take credit. That is survival rule number one.
Danny: Okay, yes, I did it on my Mac.
Lee: Rule number two: Don't take credit until someone actually says they like what you did. It's not bad.
Eddie: This is Kishtonga Root.
Danny: Felix, this is Oscar. The monkey is in daycare. Repeat, the monkey is in daycare.
Eddie: How can you be in love with someone and not even like them at the same time?
Gwen: Kiki? What was that movie called?
Kiki: I don't give a shit.
Eddie: No, that wasn't it.
Kiki: Good morning. How do you feel?
Eddie: I feel good. I mean... I feel weird, but I feel good. You?
Kiki: Yeah, I feel something along those lines. Good, weird. Weird, good.
Lee: Gwen, your dog just swallowed your window washer.
Gwen: Puppy.
Lee: Puppy? It's a raptor.
Kiki: Time for Prozac. Excuse me.
Lee: She's on Prozac?
Kiki: If only. The dog.
Hector: Who is this?
Lee: Hi, Hector, I'm Lee Phillips, press agent for "Time Over Time." Just in case you thought I was some guy coming to sweep her off her feet.
Hector: No, no. You're too old.
Gwen: Oh! Hector, honey, be good. I'm sorry, Lee, he's Spanish.
Lee: No problem. I was Spanish once myself.
Eddie: I am grateful for you. In all the world, thing I am most grateful for is you.
Kiki: If that's a line from one of your movies.
Eddie: No, that one's mine.
Kiki: Nobody hates you.
Gwen: Oh yes, they do. I was in a store the other day, you know that great store on Melrose? And there was a baby in a stroller and he was looking up at me and he was judging me. The whole world is judging me for what I did to Eddie.
Eddie: I blew it. I lost her.
Lee: Guy goes to his rabbi. He says, "I think my wife's trying to poison me." Rabbi says, "Let me talk to her." Comes back a little later and says, "Listen, I spoke to your wife for three hours. Take the poison." You get it? You and Gwen are over.
Eddie: I don't care about Gwen! I'm talking about Kiki.
Gwen: I smell smoke. Is somebody smoking?
Kiki: I don't know.
Gwen: It's probably Larry. How many heart attacks has he had?
Kingman: All right, look... if you won't do it for me, do it for my father, okay? You guys worked together a long time. You had a real bond.
Lee: Your father was a psychotic.
Kingman: You spoke at his funeral.
Lee: I loved him. You I can't stand.