Tsotsi (2005)
Ending / spoiler
Directed by: Gavin Hood
Starring: Terry Pheto, Israel Makoe, Mothusi Magano, Presley Chweneyagae
Boston & Butcher convince Tsotsi to burgularize a household...which turns out to be none other than John Dube the infant's father. Butcher wants to stab John right away (like he did with the mugged subway passenger they left to bleed out onto the train floor in the movie's opening) but is presuaded not to. John sets of his car alarm prompting Butcher to stick John's gun (he found in a draw) against his head, only to be shot in the head himself by Tsotsi and left to lie in a puddle of gore out on the kitchen tile floor a wide eyed shocked look on his face. Tsotsi nick's John's car gives the money he got from it to the cripple and returns the child only to get arrested.
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