Question: During "Score Tonight," Stefanie seems to be flirting with Davy; anyone else ever wonder why they didn't become a couple?
Answer: Just because he's a T-Bird doesn't mean he's a nerd. Every group has the leader, the joker, the loud mouth, and the geeky guy.
I'm not sure this answer applies; none of the T-Birds came across as geeky, jokers, etc. We only know Johnny is the leader, as he is referenced as such several times during the film.
Answer: Like Steve Urkel, "Family Matters," he was the nerd in love with the popular girl. It would be unrequited.
Actually, Davy was one of the T-Birds, the cool group of the school. You're thinking of Michael, the nerdy exchange student who liked Stefanie.
Answer: Very simple. There are four T-Birds and four Pink Ladies. Given that the other three of each are paired up, that leaves those two to dance together.