V for Vendetta

Question: How exactly, in the context of the film, did Dietrich manage to have Sutler appear on his show? Obviously John Hurt is playing the part and I get that it's not supposed to be the real Sutler, because Sutler was devoid of humor and would never agree to appear on the show, but did Dietrich just luck out by finding someone that looked and sounded exactly like Sutler?


Chosen answer: Sketch comedy shows do this all the time, and I'm sure even in the film's world, there are comedians who specialize in impressions. It wouldn't be impossible to find someone who looks and sounds like Sutler, or at least close enough that they can do so with a bit of make-up and rehearsal.

Question: Has anybody been able to work out where V's hideout is, since there are only a few clues given within the film such as the colour of the stone, the fact it is underground, and the domed roof (when Evie walks in the rain) and is modern enough to have an elevator to take her there. I've always thought it would be under Victoria station but cannot find the matching dome in the area.

Answer: In the graphic novel, V's hideout is, indeed, revealed to be Victoria Station, but if you are referring to the film, the building in question sits next to the Bank Underground Station, at the corner of Lombard and Cornhill.

Captain Defenestrator

Answer: With strength, determination and pure hatred for the society she lives in.

Question: V was incarcerated in a concentration camp for homosexuals, and has an obvious affection for Evy, as demonstrated by V's reaction when she leaves - breaking of the mirror with the mask. V also speaks with a voice which would pass but seems soft for a male. This was probably deliberately left ambiguous, but still - is V male or female?

Answer: Other "undesirables" were kept in the concentration camp as well: Jews, blacks, political dissenters, etc. V is biologically male, since he's referred to as "The Man in Room Five," but what he was in the camp for is unknown.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: How does V eat and drink? Can he take his mask off? Doesn't he have real pain because of his skin?

Answer: Yes, V can take the mask off. Remember, we see him putting it on in his very first scene. He may have some pain, but the experimentation that was performed on him which gave him his enhanced speed, strength, agility, and intelligence also granted him a heightened level of pain tolerance. So if there is pain, he is able to mostly ignore it. This is why he was able to defeat an entire room full of enemies despite having been mortally wounded by a hail of gunfire immediately beforehand.


Question: Why would High Chancellor Sutler blame Creedy if V was not captured by November the fifth and not one of the other members of the Regime.

Answer: Because Creedy is the head of the secret police and therefore he's the one with ultimate responsibility for catching V.


Question: I am a little puzzled by one of Mr. Finch's last investigations towards the end of the movie. As he meets with Dominic to ask him "the question" about the release of the viruses, the two of them also research files of the final three missing involved members, one of whom was Rokewood. Yet after they leave the meeting in the dark with "Rokewood" and are again in the office, Finch states to the man on the phone that Rokewood has indeed been dead twenty years. If Rokewood had been dead already, wouldn't Finch have known that he was being stood up by V (playing the part of "Rokewood") earlier as they met?

Answer: Finch isn't telling the man on the phone that Rokewood is dead, he's simply repeating what the man on the other end of the phone is saying.

Matt Lynch

Question: Delia Surridge tells V that she didn't know what the virus was going to do. How could she not have known? She created the virus and was administering it to people and seeing what it did.


Chosen answer: She states outright that she was aware she was developing a biological weapon, she just didn't know whom they were going to use it against.

Question: There are several flashbacks showing a man in the imprisonment camp, the first one being General Louis electrocuting someone, and one where the same person is being punched in the stomach, and another one being transported on a cart to a cell. Is it possible that this is V before the explosion?


Chosen answer: Yes, it is.

Captain Defenestrator

Answer: Somewhere in her early twenties.


Question: Why didn't V rescue the woman in the cell after rescuing Evey?

Answer: It's made extremely clear in the film that Evey's 'interrogation' is entirely set up by V. V doesn't rescue Evey; he simply brings things to a close once he's achieved the result he was aiming for. Nobody there is real; the interrogator, guards and the woman in the next cell are all fake.


Question: If V was the one in charge of the Facility when Evey is being "tortured" then why are there more than one guard at a time in the scenes? I can understand one as V could change his voice and appearance (as never do you see their faces) but when there are more than one how does that work? I thought he didn't trust anyone?

Answer: As revealed later, they are dummies.


Answer: Their ages are never made clear within the film. In the comic Evey is 16 when the story begins. However, since Natalie Portman was in her early 20s at the time the film was made, it can be presumed that Evey is also in her late teens or early 20s as well; since V was an adult during his imprisonment at Larkhill roughly 20 years before the events of the film, he most likely is at least in his early 40s.


Question: How did V get thousands of Guy Fawkes masks manufactured and shipped on a train without the government knowing about it?

Answer: Those masks are mass produced anyway. They're novelties. He probably got them shipped through some sort of deceit, the same way he stole all the items in his home.


Question: What does V compare the people of England to during his TV broadcast?

Answer: Either to himself ("I, like many of you, enjoy the comfort of the everyday routine,") or saying that the people of England voted the dictatorial Suttler into power and that they are responsible for the state that the country is now in. ("Then again, truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror.").


Question: Towards the end, we see V say he wants Credie to bring Sutler to him. Before that, he has Finch spy on Credie...why? Just so Credie becomes suspicious of his own party spying on him? Also, why would Credie uphold his end of the bargain and bring Sutler to V? We are given the reason by V that that's the only way he'll be caught but V has no way to verify that Credie would do that and has a lot of reason to doubt it.


Answer: Credie is shown throughout the film to be maneuvering to replace Sutler, and when V gives him (Credie) a seemingly gift-wrapped opportunity to get rid of him (Sutler), he takes it because A) V has convinced him that Sutler is who V really wants dead, not Credie; and B) Credie is confident that whatever V has planned, he and his men with their guns (and their bullets) will be able to kill V after Sutler is dead. V tells Finch to watch Credie because he knows Finch is a good man, and wants to lead him to evidence of how deep the government's corruption goes.

Question: When Evey gets knocked out it's clear that she only has a purse and one outfit on. After she comes back to consciousness at V's house, she still has the same clothes on. So where did she get the clothes for the other scenes? (For example the next morning she was lying in bed in different clothes and came out in a sweat jacket etc).


Chosen answer: V can use the subway tunnels to get anywhere in London. He may have gone out and stolen or bought clothes for her in that time.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: What is the point of blowing up Parliament if Sutler has been overthrown and killed? It doesn't achieve anything but huge rebuilding costs.

Answer: Parliament is seen as being a corrupt institution. Sutler may be gone, but if the institution remains intact, then all that's likely to happen is that somebody similar to Sutler will claw his or her way to the top and nothing will change. By destroying of the ceremonial Parliament building associated with the corrupt government, V's intent is to shake up that institution to a point where it can no longer survive.


Question: Why did V even need Evy to help him kill the priest? If it was just a regular girl instead of Evy in the bedroom, V was gonna barge in through the window anyway. Was he just trying to show her how he does things or something?

Answer: She tells the priest that she opened a window while she was waiting to be seen, to let V get in.

Question: This question is more about the comic, but I didn't know where else to ask. At the end of vol. VII, "V" is stealing some sort of file about Valerie Page, what's the meaning of that? what did he needed it for? Also, right after that, the man in the entrance of the building holds the door open for him to escape. Is it because he knew about "V" and agreed whit his ideals, or is there another explanation?

Answer: Valerie was the woman in Room 4, so he wants to know more about her. The man at the entrance is simply caught off guard. He just saw someone coming and held the door. By the time he registered who it was, V was gone.

Captain Defenestrator

Audio problem: When V says that he has never danced to any of the songs on his jukebox, a song is playing in the background, yet there is no record seen playing on the jukebox. This occurs even after V presses the button to activate the song.

Matt Lynch

More mistakes in V for Vendetta

Evey: I don't want to hear any more of your lies.
V: Your own father said that artists use lies to tell the truth. Yes, I created a lie, but because you believed it, you found out something true about yourself.

More quotes from V for Vendetta

Trivia: In the scene where Evey gets her hair cut, it was Natalie Portman's real hair they cut. They had only one shot to capture that scene, and everybody was quite nervous if the scene would turn out usable.

Ronnie Bischof

More trivia for V for Vendetta

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