Revealing mistake: In the very first indirect manifestation of the ghosts (the floating books), you can see on top of the stacks the rigs that allowed the strings to pull the books across [Noticed by Ivan Reitman during the DVD commentary]. (00:01:15)

Revealing mistake: A shot from above Dana Barret's apartment, from just above a statue looking down on the road below: The statue in the foreground is partially transparent. We can see the double yellow line on the street go straight through one of the statue's upper fangs, and one of the white lane dividers going through the statue's lower jaw. Viewed on Bluray disc. (00:16:50)
Revealing mistake: When the eggs are popping out onto the counter in Dana's apartment, if you look closely you can see the the levers in the egg carton flipping each one out. (00:19:30)
Revealing mistake: When Dana opens her fridge and a demonic dog opens its jaws to growl "Zuul!", you can literally see the outline of the lightbulb in the hound's throat. (00:20:10)
Revealing mistake: The hotel where the Ghostbusters conduct their first sorta-successful disinfestation is supposed to be called "Sedgewick Hotel." However when the trio enters the hallway, through the window you can see the sign "Biltmore's Cleaners", and to the left "One Bunker Hill." The real hotel in Los Angeles used for the movie shoot is the Millennium Biltmore, which is in the One Bunker Hill area. (00:29:55)
Revealing mistake: When the Ghostbusters are startled by the maid, they instinctively shoot their proton packs at her. You can distinctly see that the energy beam is coming -at - them and is not shot -from - their weapon, and it happens even before Dan Akroyd properly turned around and had any chance to point the 'rifle' part at the target's general direction. (00:31:45)
Revealing mistake: When Ray shoots at Slimer, the proton beam reaches the door in the first shot, and in the next one goes past it; its future path inside the wall is already outlined and burnt to a crisp. (00:33:10)
Revealing mistake: You wouldn't want to sleep inside the Sedgewick hotel, and not because of its ongoing infestation at the 12th floor; a small food cart rolls into a wall and that alone makes it wobble. (00:33:20)
Revealing mistake: In the ballroom scene, when Slimer is flying around the chandelier, he disappears for a few frames when he reaches the far side. [This animation is mentioned in the DVD commentary. The film makers were generally unhappy with the entire animation and the fact that the representation of the apparition did not resemble those previous and that the movement was very unconvincing.] (00:35:05)
Revealing mistake: When Egon tries to shoot Slimer, the wall is charred on the dark section, but the beam is shown hitting the white stucco, which bears no trace of its passage. (00:36:20)
Revealing mistake: In the montage showing the Ghostbusters' rise to success, the body of the USA Today article has nothing to do at all with them, and in fact it is a copy/paste real life article that talks about Geoffrey Faux, economist. A faux article, the prop guy must have had a laugh with that. (00:39:30)

Revealing mistake: During the "montage" there is a reversed shot of the guys driving their "ghost-mobile" - you can notice it because the Ghostbusters logo is reversed. (00:39:35)
Revealing mistake: During the montage of the Ghostbusters starting the business, there's a shot (the one immediately following the Larry King cameo), where the trio are running down a street. Many people are staring at the camera; it may seem fine since the Ghostbusters are running towards the camera, and they are celebrities so it could be argued that the people are looking at them, not at the camera. Look at the guys to the left though; they are looking past them at the camera and one of them even quickly fixes his hair. (00:40:05)
Revealing mistake: In the shot that follows the one with the fake cover of The Atlantic, a bespectacled Asian man walks across the street, in front of the Ghostbusters, looking prolongedly straight at the camera. (00:40:20)
Revealing mistake: Tully just ran away from the apartment building screaming. The doorman repeats to an incoming couple "A bear, in his apartment..." The husband pulls his wife back without for a single moment glancing at the direction the beast (or its growl) come from; he stares constantly at the foreground. (00:54:00)
Revealing mistake: After Louis runs out of the building crying "There's a bear in my apartment!", the monster exits the place and knocks down the doorman, but doesn't cast a shadow until it steps on the pavement. (00:54:55)

Revealing mistake: The Ghostbusters' containment unit explodes with a sinister beam that blasts through the rooftop. In the shot with the camera at street level showing New Yorkers running scared, you can see a blatant light 'halo' around one of them as by-product from the optical effect. (01:08:00)
Revealing mistake: When the ghosts are released from the storage unit, there's a shot of the light beam followed by a wide panoramic view of New York where the ghost lights depart as strings and orbs of energy. If you look at the Empire State Building, you can see that the first orb supposedly passes behind it, but its outline can be in fact seen through it. (01:09:05)
Revealing mistake: While the Ghostbusters ride to the building, there's a view of New York from the park under a red sky. Watch the buildings on the far left: They have a thick white outline around where the real sky was cut-out to allow for the new one to be put in. (01:18:35)
Revealing mistake: In the earthquake scene where the road is cracked, you can see the cloth on the side of one of the cracks flapping in the wind. (01:20:35)