Slartibartfast: You must come with me, quickly or, or you'll be late!
Arthur: Late for what?
Slartibartfast: What? Oh, no...What is your name, earthman?
Arthur: Dent. Arthur Dent.
Slartibartfast: Late, as in the late Dentarthurdent. It's a kind of threat, you see.
Slartibartfast: Ever heard of a place... I think it's called Norway? That was one of mine. I got an award for it.
Zaphod Beedlebrox: Hey, excuse me - is this guy boring you? Why don't you talk to me instead? I'm from a different's true. You want to see my spaceship?
Ford: Time is an illusion - lunchtime, doubly so.
Arthur Dent: You're President, can't you do anything?
Zaphod Beedlebrox: Presidents don't actually have power. Their job is to draw attention away from it.
Answer: He's trying (very badly) to pretend that it's a weapon of some sort.
Tailkinker ★