A Fish Called Wanda

Continuity mistake: When Archie gets home after ending it with Wanda and Otto awaits him, it's dark outside. As Archie runs away and rounds the corner of the house it's brighter and close to dawn. (01:13:40)


Continuity mistake: After Otto has shot the hat off the man he pulls his arm inside the car and puts it on the steering wheel. When it cuts he is waving with his arm outside the window. (01:30:30)


Continuity mistake: When they get to the runaway car we see Ken open the car door while George is passing around the hood of the car. When it cuts we see Ken open the door and now suddenly George is by his door opening it. (00:09:05)


Continuity mistake: After Otto has chased Ken down the stairs they are standing against the elevator door. As Otto says, "Look, physical side can wait," he is holding his right hand up. When it cuts it's down. (00:25:15)


Continuity mistake: In court, when George grabs the banister and jumps over it, his hands on the banister change position between the shots. (01:25:15)


Continuity mistake: After Wanda's visit to Archie's office she arrives at Otto's. When Otto stabs the mannequin with his sword, the position/depth of the sword, as well as the position of his undershirt when it lands on the sword, all differ in the following shots. (00:33:00)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When Otto takes the note which has the witness name and address from Ken, Ken tries to grab it from him and Otto holds it up in the air. The camera angle changes and his arm is now at his side. The camera angles changes again and his arm is raised. Happens about 3 times during the scene. (00:38:53)


Continuity mistake: When Archie goes to talk to George after the melee in court, Archie tells the guards to leave and you see one of the guards crossing his arms. The camera angle changes and the same guard is seen crossing his arms again. (01:30:30)


Plot hole: Wanda takes an unmarked (established earlier) safety deposit key to the hotel, and somehow the hotel staff not only know what safety deposit box it fits, but allow them access even though they didn't open the 'account'.

Continuity mistake: When Otto is interrogating Ken he sticks some chips up Ken's nose. At one point, before Otto asks where the diamonds are, there are traces of ketchup on one of the chips that disappear two shots later. (01:19:50)


Continuity mistake: As the plane is taking off, Otto is trying to hang on but the wind pushes him off. The camera angle changes to a wide shot of the plane taking off, and Otto is not seen anywhere but you still hear him screaming. (01:44:30)


A Fish Called Wanda mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: Outside court when Archie is talking to a man, Wanda is standing behind them wearing a fake wig. When the man leaves, if you look in the window behind them to the right, you should be able to see the boom mike operator wearing a red shirt. (00:38:25)


Revealing mistake: When Archie enters the kitchen to talk with his daughter we can see Wendy reflected in the door glass moving in to position waiting to come in to the picture. (00:04:35)


Continuity mistake: Right after George makes the Oscar Wilde quote about work, Wanda leans over to kiss him and then they both lean back in their chairs. The camera angle changes as Otto gets up to talk to Ken and you see Wanda and George doing the same kiss again. (00:06:28)


A Fish Called Wanda mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When Wendy arrives home, before finding Archie unconscious on the floor, as she gets out of the car, the crew is reflected in the side mirror of the car. (01:06:15)


Continuity mistake: When Otto is awakened by the alarm clock, he sits up in bed to shoot it and the book that was lying on his chest falls to his left side. The camera angle changes and the book is now opened and sitting perfectly in his lap. (00:00:55)


Continuity mistake: When Archie is trying to put the locket in his mouth he is seen kneeling about 3 feet from the ground. The camera angle changes and he is now seen at about 6 inches from the ground. (01:09:47)


Continuity mistake: When Archie comes back into the den with the champagne, you see him starting to get startled to see his wife instead of Wanda, and when the camera angle changes you see him getting startled again. (00:47:42)


Continuity mistake: When Otto is about to shoot Archie, Archie tells him to turn around and look behind him. When Otto turns around to see Ken on the steam roller, you can see footprints in the cement that were not there in the previous camera angle. (01:41:36)


More quotes from A Fish Called Wanda
More trivia for A Fish Called Wanda

Answer: John Cleese was reciting the poem "Molitva" by Mikhail Lermontov. He learned and memorized it phonetically and has admitted that he had no idea what the words actually meant.

Angela Brown

Answer: Archie indeed recites the second and third strophes from Lermontov's poem, "The Prayer." "There is a might inspiring Each consecrated word, That speaks the inconceivable And holy will of God. The heavy load slips from my heart, Oppressing doubt takes flight, The soul believes, the tears break forth, And all is light, so light!"

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