Fight Club

Fight Club (1999)

41 corrected entries

(13 votes)

Corrected entry: In the scene where Marla gives the Narrator her phone number, she writes it on his hand. But after the Narrator's apartment is blown up, he picks up her phone number off the ground on a scrap of paper.

Correction: The apartment blows up in a later scene, and if the narrarator wanted to keep the number permanently he'd have to transfer it to something other than his hand.


Corrected entry: After Ed Norton's apartment blows up, he calls Brad Pitt and they meet at a bar. In the bar when Brad Pitt lights a cigarette its between his middle and index finger. The shot changes and then returns back to Pitt very quickly and the cigarette has changed positions to between his thumb and index finger.

Correction: The cigarette is still between his first two fingers when the camera comes back to him, but Pitt gestures and moves the cigarette to between his thumb and index finger.


Corrected entry: When Ed Norton is walking down the street he runs into Bob, and Bob tells him he joined fight club. He also tells him about Tyler. If Ed Norton is Tyler and Ed Norton is one of his friends wouldn't he notice they look exactly alike, or at least say he looks like him?


Correction: By this point, there are several fight clubs - the Narrator and Bob discover during their conversation that they attend on different nights. Bob merely knows about Tyler from what he's heard from other club members - he's never actually met him, so he doesn't realise that Tyler and the Narrator are one and the same.


Corrected entry: In the scene in the cinema, Ed Norton says that while the rest of us slept Tyler worked as a projectionist. However, the cinema is full of children and showing a cartoon, so its unlikely Tyler works in the cinema at such a late time.

Correction: Ed says this because when Tyler is working, "Ed" (or Jack, or the Narrator, whatever you wish to call him) is sleeping. ED is Tyler. So when Tyler does these 'other' things, Ed cannot account for his time, so he believes he's asleep. So these things could happen at any time of the day or night.

Jack's Revenge

Corrected entry: In the scene where Ed Norton and Brad Pitt are fighting in the parking garage, Brad flips Ed into the ticket dispensing machine for admission into the garage. After the ticket dispences, we see the parking gate bar lift up. However the bar on these machines does not operate until the ticket is removed from the machine. I don't believe either Brad or Ed stopped the fight to take the ticket. (02:08:10)

Correction: Not necessarily. Some of these machines lift the bar when the ticket is dispensed, and then drop the bar after the ticket is removed (after a delay to allow the car to move forward). The dispensers behaved like this at my local airport for several years.

Phil C.

Corrected entry: Right after the car crash scene, Ed gets out of the driver's side even though Tyler had been the one driving.

Correction: Ed, Brad and David Fincher discuss this on the audio commentary. This is not a mistake because Ed Norton was in fact driving since Tyler does not exist. So Ed envisions Brad pulling him out the driver side when he actually got out that side himself.

Corrected entry: After Ed's apartment blows up, he goes to use the pay phone. He inserts money, dials the number, and the phone rings several times before he decides to hang it up. The phone doesn't refund the change like it should.

Timothy Conard

Correction: This isn't a mistake. It's another clue that the conversation with "Tyler" is an imaginary one. The other clue is the fact that there is text on the phone that says it cannot accept incoming calls - yet when Tyler "calls back", the phone rings, and the Narrator picks up.

Phil C.

Corrected entry: When tyler is just about to burn Jack's hand with lye, he says "may i see your hand please" Jack holds out his hand and Tyler takes it. At this point in the film we see that Tyler is wearing a pair of black gloves, He burns Jack's hand with lye and holds it in place so Jack can't get away. You can plainly see the gloves. Tyler then takes the goggles he is wearing off and you see his hand has no glove on. But his hands were on Jack's all the time.

Correction: Just before Tyler takes off his goggles, he hits the table with his right hand and then swings it fast on his right. If you look closely, you will notice he did that to throw away the glove.

Corrected entry: In the very last scene where Edward Norton shoots himself to get rid of Brad Pitt, he survives because the shot exits his head somewhere under his left ears but you can clearly see that Brad Pitt has an exit wound on the back of his head. So why, if they are the same person, do they have different exit wounds? (02:08:15)

Correction: The only way to cure a split personality is to have a serious traumatic expierence occur and the bullet to the head (or cheek) is a pretty traumatic experience. The two wounds don't have to match exactly - Brad Pitt's fatal wound is just a manifestation of his being killed off by Ed Norton.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Marla Singer is talking on the phone with Jack, as she is saying "I've got a stomach full of Xanax... I took what was left of a bottle... might've been too much." The camera zooms in on the bottle, lying on its side. You can read most of the label except the first letter: "...anax - 300mg". Xanax only comes in 4 dosages - .25mg, .5mg, 1mg and 2mg. Obviously 300mg in a single pill would be a pretty fatal dosage, even if she only took one such pill. (00:48:05)

Correction: The 300mg could refer to the total contents of the bottle, not each pill.

Ok, but it would mean that there were 150 (plausible) to 1200 (pretty implausible) pills in the bottle.

Corrected entry: Towards the end when Jack/Tyler and Marla are standing and watching the exploding buildings, we can see that in these buildings the lights are on. This means that people must have been in there. The intention was not to kill anyone. (02:10:00)

Correction: Not necessarily. I used to work in an office building and no one ever turned the lights off at night. Our whole floor would be lit up at midnight (I drove by it on the random Saturday night), but no one was there.


Correction: Jack asked Tyler about janitors and security guards, and Tyler assures him they are all members of Project Mayhem and are out of the buildings. They would have left the lights on to avoid suspicion.

Brian Katcher

Corrected entry: When Edward Norton calls Tyler Durden for the first time, at the pay phone, the business card he reads the number off of says "Bedford" (or Bradford, I don't remember) and then gives the zip code, "19808". 19808 is the zip code of Wilmington, Delaware, where the book was originally set. There also is no Paper Street in Wilmington, Delaware.

Correction: Actually, there IS a Paper Street in Wilmington, Delaware. As a matter of fact, all of the addresses in the movie, including the ones that are used as the buildings that are going to be exploded exist and are in Wilmington, Delaware.

Correction: "Paper Street" is a play on words and contrary to popular belief, does not (and never has) exist in Wilmington. A quick Google search backs this up.

Corrected entry: When Ed Norton calls Tyler in the phone booth, Tyler star 69's him to call him. Yet when we go back to Tyler's house, all of the phones are the old fashioned phones - not touch tone ones. He would not be able to do star 69 on his phones. Even Chuck Palahniuk points this out on the DVD.

Correction: On a rotary dial phone 1169 is the equivalent of star 69.

Which doesn't much matter either way, as the phone call never happened. Tyler, being a figment of the narrator's imagination, does not exist so he could not have made the phone call. This is backed up in this very scene if you look closely at the pay phone, which says "no incoming calls allowed."


Corrected entry: At the beginning of the movie, the camera drops below the building Tyler is holding the narrator hostage in to show that there is a bomb below them. At the end of the movie, their building does not explode (Ed Norton did unplug the bomb, but Tyler connected it back, you can see the clock ticking again at the beginning of the movie, and why else would he break the key in the lock to prevent re-entry?) The screen writer commentary on the DVD said that the building was not supposed to explode - when Ed Norton passed out from being thrown down the stairs at the end, he was taken to a different building without a bomb. However, if that's the case, then why did the first part of the movie show the building right on top of a bomb? either way someone made a big mistake here.

Correction: If you read the book, the Narrator explains two ways to make a bomb. One involves Paraffin. He says this method has never worked for him. At the end, when the bomb doesn't go off, he says "I guess Paraffin doesn't work for Tyler either." Or something to that extent.

While this does explain the failed detonation, it only works for people who have read the ending of the book. As the movie never addresses this, it is either a mistake or poorly chosen omission.

Corrected entry: When the police hold Jack on the table, in 3 shots, a boom mic is visible at the top of the screen.


Correction: They're in a police interrogation room, which are all wired for recording. Most microphones are probably more subtle than an overhead boom, however, there's no reason they couldn't use one either.

Captain Defenestrator

Corrected entry: When Ed Norton's character is on the toilet ordering stuff from Furni, he wears no tie. Later on - still on the phone - he opens the doors of a kitchen closet where you see him wearing one. (00:04:40)

Correction: In the scene where Ed Norton is on the toilet, he is indeed wearing a tie before and after he leaves the bathroom. Look carefully and the tie is thrown over his shoulder and tucked behind the phone and out of view. If he did not wear his tie in such a way, the end would fall into the toilet bowl drenching the tie.

Corrected entry: After entering the Paper Street house, all Space Monkeys shave their heads, even Mr. Durden himself, yet the blonde guy never does.

Correction: Neither does the Narrator or Bob and the Narrator comes across a couple of other space monkeys in other cities with hair, perhaps Tyler made exceptions to the rule for certain people.

That goes completely against Tyler's message of "no-one is special, we're all the same." If you look at Tyler towards the end of the film his hair has been shaven close to his head. A more likely explanation is that sufficient time has passed for the hair to grow back after the initial shaving, and the rule was only that new recruits needed to shave it once, not keep it that short.

Corrected entry: In the scene when Norton is talking to Helena Bonham Carter on the phone when she is going to commit suicide, she says something like "Have you ever heard a death rattle" at that point Edward Norton is still holding the phone. But when Brad Pitt is telling the story to Edward Norton it is Pitt who is listening to her say those same words.

Correction: Two explanations: Given the revelation at the end of the story, it's perfectly possible that "Tyler" heard Marla say this while "Jack" was on the phone. Or Marla repearted herself at a later point.

Corrected entry: In the scene in which Bob and the others destroy a piece of corporate art, Bob gets shot by a security guard from behind as he runs away. However when the Fight Club members look at his body in the kitchen back at the house, the exit wound is on the back of his head.

Correction: This is true that he is shot in the back of the head but the security guard is not directly behind him. He's slightly to the left of him which could have just blown out the back part of his skull, not affecting his face.

Corrected entry: At the end of the movie when Jack shoots himself in the mouth, the bullet exits behind his jawbone. This signifies that the bullet exited his mouth and kept traveling. But none of the window panes behind him are cracked or shattered from the bullet.

Correction: The bullet bounced off his jawbone and is visible flying away in a different direction.

Revealing mistake: Towards the end of the film, when the narrator and Tyler are fighting in the basement, Tyler slams the narrator's head into the wall by the van. For a split second, before the shot changes, the 'concrete' wall visibly buckles inwards. (02:03:35)


More mistakes in Fight Club

Narrator: I wanted to put a bullet between the eyes of every panda who wouldn't screw to save his species, I wanted to dump oil over all those French beaches I'd never see, I wanted to breath smoke... I felt like destroying something beautiful.

More quotes from Fight Club

Trivia: When the Narrator turns himself in to the police and explains the goal of Project Mayhem, he is interrogated by four detectives. The three that then try to kill him are named in the credits as Detectives Andrew, Kevin and Walker. Andrew Kevin Walker penned the script for Seven, which David Fincher also directed.

More trivia for Fight Club

Question: What is the meaning of the penguin and Marla saying 'Sly' in the cave?

Answer: The penguin says "slide" and then slides on its belly. Marla repeats it later. I believe they are telling him to let go and be Tyler.

Grumpy Scot

Answer: Penguin is a manifestation of the "happy place" in his head. He seeks comfort in others grieving and this is what is helping him feel again. As someone else stated "slide" is the statement that is uttered. Marla is invading his grieving time and this is a manifestation of it. He can't even get away from her in his meditation, so he ends up leaving it altogether.

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