Trivia: Near the start of the movie, when Greg & Pam are on the plane, the stewardess who asks Greg if he wants help with his case, is the same one that he shouted at near the end of the first movie.
Trivia: In the scene where the three men are in jail towards the end of the movie, the jailer that comes to let them out (but is stopped by Ben Stiller) actually plays a cop in the Comedy Central show "Reno 9-1-1". In fact, he may even be wearing the exact uniform he wears in the series. Also, the sheriff deputy who comes off the motorhome yelling "Look, he has rubber boobie!" is also a cop on Reno 9-1-1.
Trivia: The house used as the Focker's home (outside shots only) is the same home used in the TV show "Fantasy Island". The Queen Anne Cottage is located at the Los Angeles Arboretum, even though the movie is set in Florida. The outside of the house was re-dressed and so looks a little different.
Trivia: The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) wouldn't let them use 'Focker' in the title unless they found a family with the name 'Focker'. They did, and all the Fockers they found had a reunion in Florida.
Trivia: Pam's sister, Deborah, could not appear in this movie because the actress that played her was ill with pneumonia shortly before filming this movie. She then died in 2005, 1 year after "Meet The Fockers" had been filmed.
Answer: Truth serum doesn't automatically make you speak the absolute truth - all it can do is make you say what you believe to be the truth. If Gaylord believed himself to be Jorge's father, then he would say that under the truth serum, even if it ultimately turned out not to be the case.
Tailkinker ★
Gaylord (Greg) was also drunk when he went on his monologue of spilling "secrets" about others in the room.