Corrected entry: At the end of the film Ferris introduces himself to two bikini clad woman sunbathing in their garden. The setting sun and long shadows show it is late afternoon or early evening. Ferris is wearing a heavy jacket so it is not an especially warm day, and both women are in heavy shadow! They aren't going to get much of a tan.
Corrected entry: When Ed Rooney calls Ferris' mother at work to tell her that about his absenteeism, in the part of the scene where the kids are in the hallway, if you look at the clock, it says it is 1:40pm. There is no way it could be 1:40pm in the afternoon, since it is supposed to be early in the school-day.
Correction: Or the clock is broken. My school had a hallway clock that showed the same time for over two years before it was fixed.
Corrected entry: In the scene where the nurse tells Sloan in the hallway about her grandmother's passing, if you look past them, you can see Jeanie standing at the very end of the hall. Evidently she is waiting for the scene that shows the camera moving in on her later in the movie.
Correction: When Sloane and the nurse enter the hallway you can that there is a person sitting in a chair at the end of the hall, but the view is too small and out of focus to identify the person. You can however tell that the person has bare legs, so is wearing shorts or a skirt, and Jeanie is wearing black pants, so it can't be her.
Corrected entry: The school used in the film is the same school used in 'The Breakfast Club'.
Correction: FBDO was filmed at Glenbrook High School, The Breakfast Club was filmed at Maine North HS (closed at the time of the filming).
Corrected entry: The timing on the doorbell message at Ferris' house changes between the first time and the second time it is heard.
Correction: In order for the Doorbell Tape to work, he would have recorded the same message clips over and over again on the same tape, as no rewind feature would be available without someone there to rewind it manually. Since he recorded it more than once on the same tape, the next series of clips you hear should differ slightly as we hear, due in part to the fact that it's not the same clip as heard earlier. As such, continuity is not a factor, and no mistake is made.
Corrected entry: After Ferris and Cameron pick up Sloan, they drive WEST down School Drive by the high school. The sun should behind them in the morning (rises in the east) instead of in front, where it is in the film.
Correction: There is nowhere in the film where it states which direction they are traveling.
Corrected entry: When Jeannie comes downstairs to find the Principal in her house, she kicks his ass and then proceeds to call the police and tells them there is an intruder. Why didn't she recognise her own Principal? It did happen quickly when they jumped out at each other but they both paused before she kicked him. She certainly recognised him at the end of the film when they are at the back door.
Correction: Yes, it does happen quickly. So quickly, in fact, that Jeannie probably doesn't have time to compute what has happened - she just reacted. This is evident by the fact she makes it to the top of the stairs by the time Rooney hits the floor. The only reason she realizes that it was him at the end is BECAUSE she found his wallet.
Corrected entry: In the scene where Ferris is dancing and lip-syncing to "Twist and Shout", there is a cop wearing a blue jacket from the street view, and then he's not wearing it in the next shot from an aerial view.
Correction: There is no error matching your description in the scene. There is a shot of one cop in a blue jacket, but he doesn't appear visibly in any aerial shots. Unless you can provide a screen shot or specific time, this is not a valid error. Additionally, plenty of time passes between street shots and aerial shots with the various close-up shots, if said man exist, he has time to take his jacket off.
Corrected entry: When the gang pulls into the garage, Cameron is shown wearing his sleeves up. In the next shot they are rolled all the way down.
Corrected entry: When Ferris is kicking his shoes off at the end of the movie before jumping back into bed, he kicks his right shoe off and then he kicks the same shoe off again.
Correction: The camera never cuts away from the removing the shoes scene. We see him remove the right shoe (with his left foot) and then remove the left shoe (with his right foot).
Corrected entry: When the Ferrari is driven through the window, it is the only window on that wall without a 4-5" high frame along the floor. Various views of the wall show the surrounding windows having it; it was most likely removed to prevent the car from being obstructed in its fall.
Correction: We don't know if there was supposed to be a frame there, so we can't make the assumption that it was removed for the movie. Perhaps there was not supposed to be a frame there to give an unobstructed view over the gully. Without knowing if there is intended to be a frame there, we can't call it a mistake, or even if there was something to be removed.
Corrected entry: The name Shermer, which appears in Ferris Bueller's Day Off and The Breakfast Club, comes from Shermer Road, which is the road that runs in front of the high school where Ferris Bueller's Day Off was filmed. Another post mentioned School Drive, which runs along the side of the school.
Correction: Northbrook, where Glenbrook North High School is and where part of the movie was shot, used to be called Shermerville. The school is located at 2300 Shermer Road. The street they drove on used to be called School, but now is called Sherman.
Corrected entry: When Ferris has just picked up Sloan from her school, he looks over at the camera and says " The question isn't what are we going to do. The question is what aren't we going to do". While he is saying this you can clearly see a boom mike moving back and forth in the car reflection.
Correction: He's not looking at the camera when he says that, and there is no boom mic reflection in the scene.
Corrected entry: In a scene where Mr. Rooney is hunched over the sink in Ferris's home, the seat of his pants and the back of his sport coat are split. Yet at the end of the movie when he his loading the bus, both are intact.
Correction: His suit and pants are still split when you see him step into the bus - the split is very visible.
Corrected entry: On the drive home with Jeanie, Mrs. Bueller is not wearing sunglasses when all of the papers get thrown around in the car. She is wearing them the rest of the time.
Correction: She is wearing sunglasses. She puts them on before leaving the police station and you can see her wearing them for the whole drive.
Corrected entry: When Ferris is trying to con his way into the fancy restaurant he greases the maitre' d's palm with a dollar. The maitre' d then drops it and we hear it hit the table. Then the shot changes to his hand and he drops the dollar again.
Correction: The maitre d' doesn't drop the money. He looks at it in a huffy way then in the next shot he drops it.
Corrected entry: In the scene where Cameron is venting his anger at the Ferrari with the jack holding up the rear drive wheels and Ferris and Sloan witness it. The camera pans down to the tachometer of the car. The tachometer shows the revolutions per minute at 0, but the engine's supposed to be running. You know it's the tachometer when a scene with the parking garage guys, they rev the engine and you can clearly see the tachometer on the left and speedometer on the right.
Correction: This is one of the longest running myths of the film. The Tachometer is on the RIGHT of the Speedometer like in most other cars. You can only see the Speedometer and it is at zero because this car does not show speed in reverse (like many cars do). The scene is correct. Also, because the car was restored for three years, the fact that driving it backwards does not reverse the odometer cannot be questioned. In actuality, this car's ORIGINAL odometer would go backwards when driven in reverse. However, we have no idea how extensive Mr. Fry's changes to the car were. As an aside, in addition to not showing forward speed when in reverse, this car's original speedometer would actually go into negative territory (in-other-words less than 0 MPH) when driven in reverse.
Corrected entry: At the end of the movie Ed Rooney gets on the school bus full of kids. You'll remember that Ferris got home at 6:00 p.m. Why would there be a school bus full of kids at 6:00 p.m.?
Correction: It's towards the end of the school year; traditionally, most schools have excursions during that period.
Corrected entry: The movie supposedly takes place in April, however based on Chicago's climate, it is quite clear that the actual filming was conducted well into the summer months based on how full and leafy all the trees are, not to mention the ivy on the outfield wall at Wrigley Field which does not become fully developed with leaves until late May at the earliest.
Correction: Given the baseball game they went to, the movie took place on June 5.
The baseball game was obviously staged for the film.
The baseball game was definitely not staged for the film. The baseball scenes were filmed during a real Cubs game in September (when filming took place). John Hughes added footage from the earlier June game during editing to make it appear they attended the June game.
Corrected entry: At the beginning of the movie, Ferris' mother is examining her sick son and says to Mr. Bueller, "He doesn't have a fever, but his hands are cold and clammy and he says he's seeing spots." At the end of the movie, when Ferris narrowly beats his parents home and they enter his bedroom, Mrs. Bueller again touches her son's forehead and says, "You're still warm." I thought he didn't have a fever.
Correction: She assumes it's from the illness running it's course through the day, She assumes that in the morning he wasn't feverish yet, then the fever came as the sickness progressed over the day, and this is the tail end as he recovers.
Correction: It is entirely possible that the day was warm enough to enjoy some time in the garden, and that the two women are making the most of what little time they had to sit in the sun. The sun moved, they didn't bother.