Other mistake: Nora spends a long time trying to get a Hickory Honey Ham (because it is Blairy's favorite). Finally, Marty brings one to the party. After Blair and Enrique arrive, Nora puts some ham on his plate, commenting yet again that it is Blairy's favorite. Yet when Luther goes across the street, he takes *them* the prized Hickory Honey Ham - still in the can.
Suggested correction: He carries Mel's brand ham across the street, not Honey Hickory Ham, to the neighbors. He even mentions it's made mostly of a gelatinous product.
But in the Supermarket the Honey Ham is a Mel's. There's a big sign in the store when the lady gets it before Nora.
Other mistake: The local newspaper prints a photo of the Kranks' house along with a story about their refusal to put up lights and decorations. The story says that their street, Hemlock Street, finished 6th in the Gazette's decorating contest. But the name of the newspaper is the Journal, not the Gazette.