Father of the Bride

Factual error: When the whole Banks family sits down to dinner, George asks 'Who wants to go to a Laker game on Thursday?' According to the timeline of the film, this is sometime in August, and the Lakers are in off-season.

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Suggested correction: When George goes to the grocery store, you can see Halloween decorations.

When they first meet with Franc, he says that the wedding is set for January 6 and that gives them five months. So it is definitely August at that point.

Continuity mistake: When Annie and her family are in the living room while Franc and his assistant are designing the reception, her hair is down. A couple shots later, her hair is tied up and she is wearing different clothes.

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Franck Eggelhoffer: Uh-oh, I bring the wrong color thread. I assumed you'd be wearing a black "tuxado."
George: It is a black "tuxado."
Franck Eggelhoffer: I don't think so, babe. This tux is "nuffy" blue. No doubt about it.
George: What're you talking about? Armani doesn't make a blue tuxedo.
Franck Eggelhoffer: Armani don't also make "polyaster."

More quotes from Father of the Bride

Trivia: While Steve Martin and Nina are discussing the Wedding Coordinator, Martin says they will end up broke and walking the sidewalks in a bathrobe. Martin did exactly that in 1979's The Jerk.

William Bergquist

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Question: What is the name of the song that Eugene Levy sings at the house, when he is trying out for wedding singer?

Answer: "Volare", originally performed by Nicola Arigliano in the 50's, but made most popular by Dean Martin.

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