Hilary: God forbid you actually have to come out of your hole and talk like a real human being. It makes me wonder what you did before computers, detective.
Stephen: If I blink, I might lose her.
Lucy Wilson: So?
Stephen: So the last time I blinked, I lost you.
Gary: I'm sure every man and his dog has tried a line on you, but has anyone ever told you you have very sad eyes?
Joanna: Well, yes, they have, Gary. Has anyone ever told you you need a shower?
Answer: The costume designer for Eye of the Beholder is named Lizzy Gardiner. Contact info for her agent can be found at http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0306773/agent. She might be able to tell you, though you'll probably wait a while for an answer!
Grumpy Scot