Matthew: I think you prefer when the world "together" means not "a million," but just two.
Matthew: You play these little games. I wish you could step out of yourselves and just - look.
Isabelle: If shit could shit it could smell just like Jacques.
Isabelle: I entered this world on the Champs-Elysees, 1959. La trottoir du Champs Elysees. And do you know what my very first words were? New York Herald Tribune! New York Herald Tribune.
Theo: Weren't you just a tiny bit excited?
Isabelle: This is a test.
Matthew: In this big, epic movie - everyone is an extra.
Isabelle: Oh, how sweet of you Matthew to keep my image next to your heart.
Matthew: Yes, I'm drunk. And you're beautiful. And tomorrow morning, I'll be sober but you'll still be beautiful.
Matthew: I don't believe in God, but if I did, he would be a black, left-handed guitarist.
Father: Listen to me, Theo. Before you can change the world you must realise that you, yourself, are part of it. You can't stand outside looking in.
Matthew: It makes films like crimes, and directors like criminals.