Visible crew/equipment: Near the end, when Rodmilla and her daughters are requested to appear before King Francis, in the first shot facing the king and queen, there is a beige narrow mat in front of the large patterned rug, which is not in previous or following shots, specifically used for crew/camera tracking (fullscreen version). (01:50:30)

Continuity mistake: When Danielle is with Gustave, she walks behind the four-paneled privacy screen and tosses her dress over it. In the following shots, the dress hangs over either the second panel from her left or second panel from her right, depending on the shot. (00:22:15)

Revealing mistake: Just before Marguerite tastes the chocolate Henry gives her, in the shot of the group walking past a pen of geese, the modern, flat, white soled shoes (likely canvas sneakers) the sisters are wearing are visible as they walk. (00:51:00)

Continuity mistake: After Marguerite tastes the chocolate, when Henry walks over to Louise and Paulette, Louise holds an abundant armful of corn ears in the shot facing the women. In the shot facing Henry, as she turns her body there is nothing in her left arm, but then the corn is back for her to toss. (00:51:50)

Continuity mistake: At the manor, when Leonardo da Vinci hugs Danielle and says, "Think of it as a belated wedding present, Your Highness," the distinctive wood chair (more are all over the manor) is under the side window behind him, also visible as Danielle takes Henry's hands and pulls him towards the alcove with the two windows. Next shot, however, that chair is gone from behind Danielle (where the side window is) and there is only a wood table in front of the center window (fullscreen version).

Continuity mistake: When Prince Henry lowers himself out the castle window, the tied bed linens hang through different sides of the divided window, between the exterior shot of Henry and the interior shot when his parents discover his escape.

Visible crew/equipment: The morning after the masque, when Danielle and Rodmilla argue, as Danielle responds, "Is that what I am? Your Problem?" her T-mark is visible on the grass at her feet (fullscreen version). (01:38:10)

Visible crew/equipment: When the Marquis de Limoges points to Marguerite, who is holding the tennis ball, as Henry turns his head the actor's black tape mark is visible on the ground in front of Marguerite, where he will be standing in a moment (fullscreen version). (00:48:55)

Visible crew/equipment: The morning after the masque, after Danielle shouts, "I have done everything you have ever asked me to do, and still you've denied me the only thing I ever wanted," in the next shot facing Rodmilla as she walks forward, her white tape T-mark is visible on the grass behind her. (A bit of it was also visible when she first approached her mark.) (01:38:25)

Continuity mistake: When Prince Henry first approaches Leonardo da Vinci and then chases after the thief, the horse he rides on is dark bay in color and has no markings on its face. After he shouts, "Ugly peasant bastard!" in Henry's next close-up he rides a black horse with a white 'L' shape mark between its eyes. (00:20:20)

Visible crew/equipment: After the Baroness is stripped of her title, Danielle makes her entrance and everyone bows. When her stepmother has turned to face her, as everyone rises the actor's T-mark taped to the floor is visible to Jacqueline's right, behind the former Baroness. (Only visible on fullscreen DVD.) (01:52:40)

Continuity mistake: When the Prince proposes to Danielle, in the shot from behind her, her long hair is pulled forward in front of her shoulders, but in the shots from the front her hair is behind her shoulders and she did not touch it. (01:47:05)

Revealing mistake: When the Grimm brothers' carriage pulls away from the castle, after Danielle's story is told, at the top right side of the screen, there is a moving white vehicle driving toward the left side, at 01:56:42 (viewed on a tablet). Then, just before the screen fades to black, a blue car with a white top (and a couple more nondescript), can be seen parked in front of the building with a brown roof, at the bottom of the screen towards the right, at 01:56:57. (01:56:35)

Visible crew/equipment: In the market scene when Prince Henry almost sees Danielle and she throws the chicken at him, because they didn't want to injure Dougray Scott, who plays Henry, they put a glass plate in front of him so the chicken would not harm him. If you pause it right after Danielle throws the chicken, you can see the reflection of the chicken's legs towards the right of the screen (fullscreen version has a better view). (00:52:00)

Visible crew/equipment: When Danielle rushes upstairs to finish serving the breakfast, she says, "Good morning Madame, Marguerite, Jacqueline. I trust you slept well." Just as Danielle places the bowl of eggs in front of Marguerite, the actor's blue T-mark taped to the floor is visible under the table, as the camera pans around. The tape mark is positioned between the Baroness and Jacqueline, where Danielle will be standing momentarily. (Only visible on fullscreen DVD.) (00:17:20)

Continuity mistake: While Danielle is up in the tree, when Henry is punched by the Gypsy and lands on his back, the Gypsy draws his two swords and holds them up high. However, when Henry says, "Oh no, it's you again," both of the Gypsy's swords are sheathed and his hands are down. Then, when Henry draws his own sword, the Gypsy's swords are still held up high. (01:04:45)

Continuity mistake: Prince Henry rides up to the manor to return the horse to the Baroness, and when Marguerite and Jacqueline stumble over themselves to greet the Prince, Marguerite's long hair braid ends up over her head beside her cheek, which she promptly flips to the back of her head. Yet, this braid reappears and disappears repeatedly in the following shots. (00:25:30)

Continuity mistake: In the first scene when we see Danielle serving breakfast to her stepmother and stepsisters just after the Prince releases Maurice, she leaves the kitchen with her hair pulled back, when she enters the dining room her hair is pulled forward. (00:17:20)

Continuity mistake: During the scene where Danielle is swimming, in the shot where DaVinci walks past her and says, "It looks like rain," the bottoms of his 'shoes' are flat, but in the shot where he and Danielle are exiting the water they have a fin shaped bottom. This also proves he was walking in a shallow pool of water. (00:43:35)

Continuity mistake: At dinner, when the Baroness complains about it being too dark and accuses the help of stealing the candlesticks, in the first shot the two candles in front of her are about an inch high, but much taller in following shots.
Answer: Danielle's father was not a baron, he was just a wealthy landowner. Her stepmother was a baroness from her previous marriage. When Danielle calls herself "Comtesse Nicole de Lancret" (her mother's name), she was lying and only pretending to be a noblewoman. Her mother was never a countess.