Cera: This is the Great Valley? You're crazy! I'm leaving.
Littlefoot: Cera, we have to keep following the bright circle.
Cera: I'm taking the easy way.
Littlefoot: But it's the wrong WAY.
Cera: Who says?
Littlefoot: My mother.
Cera: Then SHE was a stupid long neck too.
Littlefoot: Take that back.
Cera: Never.
Littlefoot: Take IT back.
Cera: No.
Narrator: It was a mark of many dangers. Sharp Teeth stalked the herds waiting to feed on the weak ones. The leaf-eaters stopped only to hatch their young. Some of the young seemed born without fear, but even hatching could be dangerous.
Cera: See? I can take care of myself - all by myself. I'm not afraid to be alone. I know my way to go, and I'm not afraid of Sharptooth... I hope he doesn't eat any of you.
Answer: We are not shown how they got out of the tar.