
Continuity mistake: When Jamie comes inside Chino's house for the first time and starts taking his jacket off the way his red shawl is tucked in changes twice between shots. (00:04:50)


Continuity mistake: When Jamie rides Buck for the first time a huge round leather bottle appears on the left side of the saddle when we see him galloping along, which wasn't there when he mounted the horse. When he returns the bottle is again gone. (00:10:25)


Continuity mistake: When the four bad guys come into the Eagle Bar to hassle Chino the barkeeper puts his sandwich in the shelf behind him. When the camera angle changes the sandwich is back in his hand. (00:16:25)


Continuity mistake: After Chino throws one of the bad guys through the window his hat miraculously appears on the windowsill so that the sheriff can pick it up and hand it back to him. (00:17:00)


Continuity mistake: When Jamie is about to leave and Chino suggests that his horse may need another day's rest Jamie's horse turns around twice in successive shots. (00:19:25)


Continuity mistake: When Chino gets whipped there are no traces of the nasty bite Black hat had given him not too long ago. (00:36:20 - 01:18:30)


Continuity mistake: When Chino ambushes Morrel's men in the mountains he is waiting on a pointy rock. When the camera angle changes there are bushes behind him that weren't there before. (01:27:05)


Audio problem: When Chino opens the door for Jamie for the first time his voice echoes as if he were in a closed room, just like later when they talk inside. (00:04:05)


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